| Description | solved | Rating
| Parity Index by jwsinclair (solved on 5. July 2023, 10:48) | 79 | 89 %
| Liberty, cracked, Perseveres by rockratzero (solved on 5. July 2023, 06:47) | 153 | 91 %
| Forks in the Road by jwsinclair (solved on 1. July 2023, 17:35) | 45 | 91 %
| Ghost Digit by jwsinclair (solved on 1. July 2023, 12:09) | 26 | 97 %
| Hazy connections (Fog of war/Renban/Killer/Kropki pairs) by dumediat (solved on 1. July 2023, 01:47) | 915 | 93 %
| Diagonal Skyscrapers by Blashyrkh (solved on 1. July 2023, 00:31) | 173 | 95 %
| Blackout by Jay Dyer (solved on 30. June 2023, 00:20) | 194 | 94 %
| Snuggie (Whispers, Renban, V) by Chefofdeath (solved on 29. June 2023, 23:10) | 127 | 95 %
| [Fog of War Series] 19. Shrinking Killer (Easy) by AstralSky (solved on 29. June 2023, 20:57) | 125 | 86 %
| Up And Down by Joseph nehme (solved on 29. June 2023, 17:51) | 128 | 95 %
| Papier-mâché by Perladel (solved on 28. June 2023, 01:15) | 42 | 91 %
| Outside Whisper by Jodawo (solved on 27. June 2023, 23:55) | 113 | 93 %
| Dab by zetamath (solved on 27. June 2023, 03:25) | 62 | 96 %
| Split Apart by XeonRisq (solved on 26. June 2023, 23:01) | 39 | 98 %
| Fog X by chameleon (solved on 26. June 2023, 21:09) | 497 | 83 %
| Ancient Artifacts 2 by Scojo (solved on 25. June 2023, 23:46) | 196 | 89 %
| Rivets by XeonRisq (solved on 25. June 2023, 12:38) | 68 | 96 %
| Tree(3) by PulverizingPancake (solved on 24. June 2023, 19:38) | 72 | 97 %
| ZZZ by jwsinclair (solved on 23. June 2023, 15:45) | 21 | 95 %
| Contritum Quadratum (Broken Square) by pecha_berrie (solved on 23. June 2023, 12:04) | 116 | 90 %