Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ghost Digit

(Eingestellt am 15. Oktober 2021, 19:25 Uhr von jwsinclair)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Cages show their sums, and digits cannot repeat within a cage.
On thermometers, digits increase from the bulb.

But! One of the digits from 1-9 is a ghost, and is not bound by those constraints. The ghost digit still follows normal sudoku rules (appearing once in each row/column/box), but does not count toward cage sums, can repeat within a cage, and can appear anywhere on a thermometer (other digits on the thermometer must still increase from bulb to tip; the ghost digit is simply ignored).


This puzzle has been featured on Cracking the Cryptic! Click here to watch Mark Goodliffe's solve.

Lösungscode: row 1, row 5 (18 characters, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 23. März 2022, 21:14 Uhr

Gelöst von PulverizingPancake, universe42, juventino188, geronimo92, thinkingalaud, Eben, morgannamodeaura, Imperial Marcher, cfop, Uhu, soroush, bolado, HighEagle, bansalsaab, SSG, StephenR, DarthParadox, mcc, RebelSystem, dendrobium, Askloomok, mezkur7, Sewerin, Krazyd4n, taniabn, apwelho
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 18. September 2023, 22:28 Uhr

am 18. September 2023, 22:17 Uhr von StephenR
Interesting rules, thanks, which took me a while to grasp (as usual). And one of those which at first glance doesn't seem to have enough information to solve.

am 23. März 2022, 21:13 Uhr von jwsinclair
edit: added link to CtC video

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:26 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

