Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Contritum Quadratum (Broken Square)

(Eingestellt am 30. April 2023, 07:14 Uhr von pecha_berrie)

Hello and welcome to my very first puzzle construction! This puzzle was inspired by my finishing a combinatorics course, and I learned lots about pandiagonal Latin Squares today while setting this! I'm quite proud of my first construction, and feel free to give me any feedback!! Constructive (no pun intended) criticism is appreciated! :]

Without further ado, here are the rules!:

- Normal Irregular sudoku rules apply: each row, column, and outlined region of the grid contain the digits 1–9 exactly once each.

- XV rule: An "X" between two cells means that that pair of cells must add to 10. a "V" means the pair must add to 5 (INCLUDES negative constraint!! All possible X's and V's are given).

- Anti-bishop rule: Within the gray 7x7 square in the grid, no digit can see another of itself diagonally (a "bishop's move" in chess). For example, a 6 in r5c5 means that there cannot be a 6 in r3c7, but there may be one in r1c9, which is outside of the square.

Fun fact: I've learned it's not possible to make a pandiagonal 9x9 Latin square, which is why the bishop constraint only applies to the middle of the grid!

Here you can solve the puzzle online:

Solve on f-puzzles

Solve on CTC app

Lösungscode: The solution code is all the digits, from left to right, of row 3 followed by row 7, with no spaces: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Mai 2023, 03:23 Uhr

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am 13. Juni 2023, 13:49 Uhr von snr0n
This was fun, thanks! Don't forget to update the wording of the rules on the puzzle links too, for people who don't use this site

am 4. Mai 2023, 01:54 Uhr von Mason_Jones4
Absolutely loved this puzzle, great work!

am 1. Mai 2023, 03:31 Uhr von obi
Keep up the good work!

am 30. April 2023, 21:55 Uhr von Dag H
Very nice puzzle, keep 'em coming!

am 30. April 2023, 10:13 Uhr von Wyrdsister
I really enjoyed this puzzle - thank you!

am 30. April 2023, 07:51 Uhr von pecha_berrie
Added CTC link

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:116 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Rätselvariante Variantenkombination Englischkenntnisse Unregelmäßiges Gitter Lateinisches Quadrat

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