| Description | solved | Rating
 | Japanische Summen für Anfänger (3) by Susie (solved on 25. June 2020, 20:12) | 365 |  81 %
 | Japanische Summen für Anfänger (2) by Susie (solved on 25. June 2020, 19:54) | 389 |  79 %
 | Japanische Summen für Anfänger (1) by Susie (solved on 25. June 2020, 19:43) | 473 |  77 %
 | Twelves And Tens Sudoku by donut and chicken (solved on 25. June 2020, 17:42) | 140 |  76 %
 | Coffee Break : Consecutive Sudoku by Carrick22 (solved on 22. June 2020, 22:06) | 104 |  80 %
 | Telephone Sudoku by RockyRoer (solved on 22. June 2020, 17:56) | 105 |  89 %
 | Killer Sudoku (GP 2020 Leftover) by Realshaggy (solved on 20. June 2020, 18:53) | 95 |  86 %
 | Hochhäuser für Anfänger (3) by Hausigel (solved on 20. June 2020, 17:33) | 377 |  77 %
 | Hochhäuser für Anfänger (2) by Hausigel (solved on 20. June 2020, 17:17) | 446 |  79 %
 | Hochhäuser für Anfänger (1) by Hausigel (solved on 20. June 2020, 17:00) | 549 |  76 %
 | Hashiwokakero für Anfänger (3) by berni (solved on 20. June 2020, 16:44) | 543 |  74 %
 | Hashiwokakero für Anfänger (2) by berni (solved on 20. June 2020, 16:42) | 603 |  73 %
 | Hashiwokakero für Anfänger (1) by berni (solved on 20. June 2020, 16:35) | 956 |  70 %
 | Familienfreizeit: Einbaurätsel by CHalb (solved on 20. June 2020, 16:31) | 271 |  72 %
 | Classic 'Sir' Sudoku by SirWoezel (solved on 20. June 2020, 12:14) | 68 |  82 %
 | 24 Rätsel in 24 Stunden (Teil 13) - Sudoku by Zzzyxas (solved on 20. June 2020, 11:28) | 258 |  72 %
 | Clone Miracle Sudoku by cam (solved on 19. June 2020, 22:33) | 69 |  83 %
 | Anti Knight Sudoku by mandourin (solved on 19. June 2020, 21:29) | 70 |  82 %
 | Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Dominosuche A by lupo (solved on 19. June 2020, 19:48) | 170 |  64 %
 | Doppelstern für Anfänger (5) by berni (solved on 19. June 2020, 17:12) | 384 |  86 %