Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Classic 'Sir' Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 17. Juni 2020, 16:41 Uhr von SirWoezel)

My first classic sudoku, which I started making some weeks ago to find out how hard it is to make one that has a nice solving path. And now I know: it's a bloody struggle! Kudos to all who do that for a living...

Hope it's enjoyable!

Lösungscode: Column 4 and Column 6

Gelöst von cdwg2000, zuzanina, lutzreimer, Grave, Osh Tirola, MumboJumbo, Rollo, rimodech, edboy, skywalker, Joe Average, SKORP17, saskia-daniela, zorant, mandourin, NikolaZ, marcmees, MavericksJD, sirtramola, ... Troby1508, Uhu, PixelPlucker, Pygmalion, steelwool, Fedo , Erwin, justnow, jchan18, Grumpy, Vebby, cfop, Realshaggy, Athena, flaemmchen, saman85, iyork, ildiko, Kekes, Saskia, asver, zrbakhtiar
Komplette Liste


am 5. Januar 2021, 10:04 Uhr von justnow
Very nice one. Smooth solve.
I have to admit, I almost forgot when was the last time I solved a classic from this site. Its nice to go back to basics from time to time.

am 10. Dezember 2020, 15:18 Uhr von steelwool
Nice puzzle.
Link for f-puzzles here:

am 16. Juli 2020, 02:40 Uhr von HalfBakedLunatic
Thank you - very enjoyable. I got hung up on one section that took a bit of head scratching, but I was able to work through it!

am 11. Juli 2020, 23:00 Uhr von Philipp Huber
Pretty though one for me. Definitely need to learn more standard sudoku techniques, because this one took me about an hour of my time and in the end, everything was covered in pencilmarks. Maybe I missed an easier way to do it.

am 18. Juni 2020, 21:01 Uhr von HumveeRuin
Why is this rated 3 stars? I'm fairly new but this didn't require any advanced knowledge or techniques. Found it a lot easier than other 3 star puzzles.
Fun solve regardless, I enjoyed how it ended.

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:68 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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