| Description | solved | Rating
 | Time Flies Like an Arrow... by Abdul the Killer (solved on 30. October 2024, 10:38) | 108 |  97 %
 | Orchid by Abdul the Killer (solved on 30. October 2024, 06:51) | 110 |  96 %
 | Colourful Entropy by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 28. October 2024, 23:04) | 62 |  91 %
 | A Simple Question by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 28. October 2024, 22:43) | 70 |  94 %
 | Returning Arrows by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 28. October 2024, 13:09) | 41 |  86 %
 | The Taste of Entropy by Mad-Tyas (solved on 28. October 2024, 05:49) | 37 |  93 %
 | Stolen Numerals XV*VI by NurglesGift (solved on 27. October 2024, 00:49) | 165 |  98 %
 | Ignition! (Thermo) by Blashyrkh (solved on 25. October 2024, 01:49) | 106 |  93 %
 | Beaker by jwsinclair (solved on 25. October 2024, 01:25) | 187 |  96 %
 | Entropy Lockout by Mad-Tyas (solved on 25. October 2024, 01:09) | 36 |  91 %
 | Coloring book for adults by fractalminding (solved on 21. October 2024, 05:31) | 137 |  93 %
 | Entropy Playground by Mad-Tyas (solved on 21. October 2024, 05:09) | 123 |  94 %
 | The Fool's Errand (Anti-Knight, Non-Consecutive) by TidePool (solved on 7. September 2024, 00:52) | 74 |  89 %
 | Killer's Circle by SkepticalMario (solved on 5. September 2024, 12:41) | 123 |  93 %
 | Dressage (Anti-Knight, Non-Consecutive) by TidePool (solved on 5. September 2024, 12:17) | 128 |  90 %
 | Heat Index by marty_sears (solved on 5. September 2024, 05:38) | 120 |  97 %
 | The Centurion by Abdul the Killer (solved on 5. September 2024, 01:27) | 106 |  96 %
 | Honing In on the Target (Anti-Knight, Killer Cages, Quads) by TidePool (solved on 4. September 2024, 15:11) | 47 |  85 %
 | Lunch atop a Skyscraper by rockratzero (solved on 4. September 2024, 11:33) | 92 |  90 %
 | Anti-Knight and Anti-Bishop Killer by bboom (solved on 4. September 2024, 01:15) | 75 |  89 %