Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-Knight and Anti-Bishop Killer

(Eingestellt am 27. August 2024, 09:52 Uhr von bboom)

This puzzle is part of a series I'm making, exploring the odd anti-knight / even anti-bishop mechanic. Other puzzles in the series can be found here:

  1. First Practice (easy puzzle to try out the anti-bishop/anti-knight rule)
  2. Deranged scribbles or modern art?
  3. Knight and Bishops, dancing around dots
  4. Anti-Knight and Anti-Bishop Killer
  5. Bishops eat their sandwiches at 5:29
  6. Minimalist art or more deranged scribbles?
  7. Directionless Knights and Bishops
  8. Scribbled art in deranged colors

Puzzle rules:

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Odd anti-knight: Cells separated by a knight’s move in chess cannot have the same odd digit.
  • Even anti-bishop: Cells separated by a bishop’s move in chess cannot have the same even digit.
  • Killer: Digits in cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner and cannot repeat.
Play online in the CtC app

Lösungscode: Row 9 (9 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Oktober 2024, 10:09 Uhr

Gelöst von RebelSystem, fuxia, Luaryo, Gilliatt, grothar, Matti64, BlackWolf, jadezki, vollbesonderbar, Luigi, SKORP17, Bobs, Ragna, pepe74287, Rearden, Mozart40, Wahaj, teuthida, Chipmunk, bansalsaab, meixia, ... DerRiese, annnz, Chishiri, jams, mezkur7, arteful, itsid, Koba, Blake Saligia, PippoForte, jordanza, snuuba, Carolin, asver, SXH, lovely, yangduoxing, alfalfa, NEWS, Ecem1903, gxorgx, Fisherman
Komplette Liste


am 15. Februar 2025, 16:36 Uhr von Fisherman
Excellent puzzle. The superior range of the Bishops surprised me. How can chess players insist the Knight is equal? Maybe the 9x9 grid makes the difference, and that if Chess is played on a 7x7 board then the knights would be stronger than the Bishops.

am 4. Oktober 2024, 10:09 Uhr von bboom
Updated puzzle list

am 2. Oktober 2024, 01:08 Uhr von itsid
well that took me half a dozen coffee to solve.
fun puzzle, thanks a ton

am 21. September 2024, 17:46 Uhr von bboom
Updated puzzle list

am 13. September 2024, 09:49 Uhr von bboom
Updated series list

am 13. September 2024, 09:47 Uhr von bboom
Updated series list

am 7. September 2024, 17:32 Uhr von bboom
Added link to new puzzle in the series

am 30. August 2024, 06:40 Uhr von Decapod
That was absolutely brutal. 120 minutes in total. I got badly stuck with 8 correct digits in the grid, until I realized some of my pencil markings had applied anti-knight logic to even numbers.

am 28. August 2024, 11:59 Uhr von wacfwaef
Fantastic and difficult puzzle. Great series in general after solving all 4 of them

am 28. August 2024, 00:28 Uhr von krytolandros
Nice! I don't think I used the 23 cage in my solve.

am 27. August 2024, 18:56 Uhr von Ragna
Very tricky one! Thank you. :-)

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:75 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Schach

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