Lösungscode: Row 1
am 16. Oktober 2024, 23:50 Uhr von Snaques
This was fun and not too difficult, but at the same time does take some time.
It's just difficult to spot the simple clues in these entropy puzzles sometimes.
am 16. Oktober 2024, 19:53 Uhr von sujoyku
I don't know how hard this really is (have rated it at 3 stars), but I did not struggle more than with other global entropy puzzles. :)
Really fun solve. Thank you, fractalminding!
Thank you for feedback, sujoyku.
am 16. Oktober 2024, 18:36 Uhr von saturnic
am 16. Oktober 2024, 00:03 Uhr von ValentinL
Glad it "only" took me an hour to solve this, it was really fun even if it was a bit hard mid solve. Thanks for the great share :)
am 15. Oktober 2024, 20:16 Uhr von keenbowl
For some reason I found this way harder than its current rating, maybe I've overlooked something basic, but it was a tough nut to crack for me, and towards the end I even had to bifurcate a bit after 2 hours.
There are no complicated strategies here. It's a pity you didn't find a solution. Thanks for the feedback :)