| Description | solved | Rating
 | Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction by crispy16 (solved on 19. October 2022, 09:39) | 48 |  97 %
 | Minister of Primes (featured on CtC) by Mountainfarmer (solved on 19. October 2022, 05:44) | 38 |  94 %
 | Squbler's 100 by mormagli (solved on 18. October 2022, 05:54) | 38 |  95 %
 | Lumos Maxima by chameleon (solved on 18. October 2022, 04:55) | 539 |  95 %
 | Double Dip by zetamath (solved on 17. October 2022, 18:58) | 72 |  97 %
 | 'leven by mormagli (solved on 16. October 2022, 06:37) | 420 |  95 %
 | 20 Lines by zetamath (solved on 15. October 2022, 08:25) | 157 |  97 %
 | Shuriken by crispy16 (solved on 14. October 2022, 19:53) | 40 |  94 %
 | Cut in half by ademjaz (solved on 14. October 2022, 07:36) | 111 |  95 %
 | Smallhat by the_cogito (solved on 11. October 2022, 14:43) | 53 |  95 %
 | The Graveyard Of Shadows by fjam (solved on 10. October 2022, 10:43) | 74 |  97 %
 | Reachin' some region sums by twototenth (solved on 9. October 2022, 11:44) | 72 |  97 %
 | Polynesia (Nurikabe Deconstruction) by Agent (solved on 7. October 2022, 16:07) | 100 |  99 %
 | Hot or Pointy? by Niverio (solved on 6. October 2022, 16:39) | 65 |  99 %
 | Cabo Verde by Qodec (solved on 6. October 2022, 10:27) | 100 |  98 %
 | Sum-thing's Wrogn by Jay Dyer (solved on 5. October 2022, 22:20) | 17 |  100 %
 | Everything Is Rihgt by DiMono (solved on 5. October 2022, 19:05) | 91 |  95 %
 | Bounce by zetamath (solved on 5. October 2022, 14:29) | 51 |  99 %