Lösungscode: Row 6 followed by column 6, no spaces.
am 11. Oktober 2022, 14:56 Uhr von ddx2407
Brilliant puzzle.
Took me awhile to understand how the Renban lines work across boxes (just the same, ignoring the blank cells, but somehow it wasn't immediate for me).
Nonetheless, I never aim for a quick solve, but an interesting one, and it was a definitely an interesting one, so I'm glad I didn't miss it out.
Thank you!
am 15. Juni 2022, 20:51 Uhr von Christounet
Beautiful design ! The construction part was not that hard but very impressive. A bit more challenge with the sudoku scanning part... thanks for this great puzzle !
am 12. Mai 2022, 20:29 Uhr von Crusader175
Struggle a little bit on the sudoku part, but very fun puzzle to solve!
am 24. April 2022, 21:56 Uhr von Agent
Great puzzle! I really enjoyed the logic to determine the 3x3 regions. Thanks for setting!
am 23. April 2022, 23:33 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle! Very fun and original logic!
am 22. April 2022, 06:58 Uhr von Avg Sudoku Enjoyer
Brilliant puzzle! The interactions between the geometry of the lines and the potential box locations were really interesting and satisfying.
am 22. April 2022, 06:49 Uhr von Elliott810
Sensational puzzle! Small hat, but big brain. Take a bow and thanks for sharing:)
am 21. April 2022, 19:16 Uhr von KNT
This was great. I figured out all the locations of the boxes very quickly, probably within 15 minutes, but then the rest of the solve was really tricky to scan for me... for whatever reason. Finished in about 40 minutes, but cool logic start to finish, even during the sudoku
am 21. April 2022, 18:40 Uhr von purpl
First of all, the way the puzzle unravels and the weird assymmetry that I can still just barely see was amazing. Secondly, look at that beautiful face and the little hat :>
am 21. April 2022, 17:31 Uhr von Playmaker6174
This puzzle was a great fun journey for me, quite challenging at the first half but very satisfying later on. Thanks for a lovely puzzle :)