| Description | solved | Rating
 | Embark (Fog of war/Deconstruction/Killer/Yajilin) by dumediat (solved on 27. January 2023, 12:30) | 149 |  97 %
 | Renbanmometers... Renbanmometers everywhere! by chameleon (solved on 11. January 2023, 20:29) | 8 |  N/A
 | Chromosomes by ThePedallingPianist (solved on 4. January 2023, 21:31) | 106 |  96 %
 | Chaos Sums by wooferzfg (solved on 3. January 2023, 01:17) | 34 |  98 %
 | Tetrisudoku by Aspartagcus (solved on 2. January 2023, 02:18) | 10 |  88 %
 | Ulte Nus Plura (Suguru Chaos Deconstruction) by crispy16 (solved on 2. May 2022, 18:00) | 56 |  99 %
 | Inception by matt383 (solved on 11. February 2022, 23:23) | 555 |  99 %
 | Region Sum Lines Sudoku by Qodec (solved on 9. February 2022, 10:39) | 113 |  97 %
 | Thermo Crossword by andreasv (solved on 30. January 2022, 01:34) | 4 |  N/A
 | 38 (HBD Zetamath!) by Qodec (solved on 9. January 2022, 22:19) | 34 |  95 %
 | Chaotic Sandwiches (Entropy Special) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 3. January 2022, 12:25) | 41 |  96 %
 | The 28th Party (CTC Secret Santa 2021) by Niverio (solved on 2. January 2022, 20:53) | 70 |  97 %
 | Chaos Construction: Seven by Phistomefel (solved on 30. December 2021, 19:31) | 119 |  95 %
 | Mining for Super Indexers by mathpesto (solved on 28. December 2021, 12:51) | 13 |  83 %
 | Sometimes 159, But Also Sometimes 234678 by mathpesto (solved on 12. December 2021, 16:32) | 12 |  77 %
 | Set of Worms in Palindromaze by FinnishGuy (solved on 10. December 2021, 23:56) | 8 |  N/A
 | Serial BoX by twototenth (solved on 23. November 2021, 17:13) | 46 |  97 %
 | Eye of the Beholder by wattK (solved on 29. October 2021, 13:52) | 30 |  92 %
 | Irregular thermometer sudoku puzzle pack by Aspartagcus (solved on 28. October 2021, 11:48) | 41 |  92 %
 | Killocator by starwarigami (solved on 28. October 2021, 11:03) | 54 |  98 %