| Description | solved | Rating
 | U-Bahn unter Hochhäusern (Teil 4) by Zzzyxas (solved on 5. December 2024, 00:40) | 75 |  96 %
 | U-Bahn unter Hochhäusern (Teil 3) by Zzzyxas (solved on 4. December 2024, 14:35) | 83 |  96 %
 | U-Bahn unter Hochhäusern (Teil 2) by Zzzyxas (solved on 4. December 2024, 12:56) | 98 |  92 %
 | Pentomino-U-Bahn by ibag (solved on 4. December 2024, 12:35) | 67 |  96 %
 | Schräge U-Bahn nach CHalb by ibag (solved on 4. December 2024, 00:04) | 51 |  92 %
 | Schräge U-Bahn by ibag (solved on 3. December 2024, 17:46) | 74 |  86 %
 | Drift by zetamath (solved on 3. December 2024, 14:48) | 29 |  98 %
 | Underground Traffic (U-Bahn tetromino) by Samish (solved on 2. December 2024, 13:29) | 18 |  99 %
 | Grundriss by Myxo (solved on 1. December 2024, 21:01) | 89 |  97 %
 | Summation U-Bahn #6: Liar by Agent (solved on 1. December 2024, 16:01) | 17 |  100 %
 | U-Bahn LITSO (Again) by the_cogito (solved on 30. November 2024, 13:43) | 9 |  N/A
 | Doubler Chaos (Chaos Construction) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 23. November 2024, 23:15) | 117 |  96 %
 | A Fistful of Circles (fillomino) by SkepticalMario (solved on 23. November 2024, 19:38) | 71 |  96 %
 | GP 2024 Leftovers - Nachschlag: U-Bahn + Hochhäuser by ibag (solved on 21. November 2024, 23:44) | 27 |  96 %
 | U-Bahn with Fillomino enclosures #4 (8x8) by Jesper (solved on 21. November 2024, 11:45) | 29 |  96 %
 | Arcade by sfushidahardy (solved on 21. November 2024, 00:12) | 24 |  96 %
 | U-Bahn with Fillomino enclosures #3 (12x12) by Jesper (solved on 19. November 2024, 23:37) | 16 |  98 %
 | Pentominous U-Bahn by KNT (solved on 18. November 2024, 23:45) | 34 |  100 %
 | Pentominous U-Bahn (Warm-up #2) by KNT (solved on 15. November 2024, 19:20) | 38 |  100 %
 | Pentominous U-Bahn (Warm-up #1) by KNT (solved on 15. November 2024, 15:53) | 38 |  99 %