Dies sollte ein einfacher Einstieg für Latin Square Jam sein, ein Konzept, dass von einem dieses Jahr veröffentlichten wichtel-Rätsel inspiriert ist. Viel Spaß!
Latin Square Jam: Teile das Rätsel in quadratische Regionen ein. Fülle jede Region der Größe NxN mit den Zahlen 1-N, so dass sich keine Zahl in einer Zeile oder Spalte der Region wiederholt. Gleiche Zahlen dürfen sich nicht orthogonal berühren, auch nicht über Regionsgrenzen hinaus.
Außerdem gelten folgende Standard-Varianten:
Arrows: Zahlen entlang eines Pfeils summieren sich zu der Zahl im angehängten Kreis.
Thermometer: Zahlen entlang eines grauen Thermometers formen eine streng aufsteigende Sequenz, die in der Thermometerbirne beginnt.
Renban: Zahlen entlang einer rosa Linie formen eine Sequenz aufeinanderfolgende Zahlen ohne Wiederholungen.
Lösungscode: Zeile 6
am 4. Februar 2025, 08:35 Uhr von Xendari
great construction! the constraints felt so weak at first, but the path was lovely once I found it ;)
am 5. Januar 2025, 10:10 Uhr von TheNineElements
Solve Time: 47:07
I rated this 3/5 difficulty.
This puzzle was very nice and a very interesting surprise! I thought the break-in logic for finding the first several box borders was great, and I really enjoyed how every trick/deduction that I discovered propagated across the grid for finding other boxes. Everything felt very well paced. The use of the clues to determine max square sizes was very clever, and something totally new to me. The break in felt maybe 3/5 difficulty for me.
The midgame was very interesting as well, and the final stages of placing the boxes became more intuitive and slightly easier as I worked my way through the puzzle. It was very nice how I was able to place every box border while only doing the 'mini-puzzles' on the first few boxes I deduced. This whole phase until the end of the solve felt between 2-3/5 difficulty for me. The final stages of just solving the mini-puzzles was expectedly easier, and was 1/5 difficulty - but this was fully expected and really didn't seem to be the 'point' of this puzzle.
Overall great puzzle! Really cool and creative idea for a puzzle, and fairly approachable for an intermediate (or higher) solver. This puzzle was not at all what I was expecting, but in a good way! The solve was a great experience all around. Thanks for sharing!
am 1. Januar 2025, 00:31 Uhr von swtyree
Really delightful puzzle!
am 30. Dezember 2024, 13:22 Uhr von oklux
I had so much fun building each square one by one. Loved it!
am 29. Dezember 2024, 20:52 Uhr von Vedvart
Awesome puzzle! Really interesting to see the logic along the edges, I wonder how constraining that really is.
am 29. Dezember 2024, 00:45 Uhr von SudokuHero
Absolutely stunning. I loved it.
am 22. Dezember 2024, 16:15 Uhr von skuntsel
Fantastic puzzle with many unexpected turns! And just when you think that there is ambiguity you seem to find the rewarding logic to carry on with the right move. It’s really not straightforward to believe that this setting yields unique solution. Thanks for setting this up, Myxo!
am 21. Dezember 2024, 19:04 Uhr von egubachu
This was such a fun puzzle! Thank you so much for setting it! I enjoyed this a lot!
am 18. Dezember 2024, 22:39 Uhr von MaizeGator
My first latin square jam! Interesting genre and great setting getting the numbers to bounce around like they did
am 14. Dezember 2024, 07:39 Uhr von LukeGiglio
I absolutely adored this puzzle, thanks for sharing
am 3. Dezember 2024, 21:40 Uhr von Jensa
I was quite bewildered at first, but it turned out to be absolutely wonderful. One of the very best I've solved, for sure.
am 2. Dezember 2024, 18:27 Uhr von Franjo
As Mark and Simon would say: this is a weird puzzle! Very unusual and very interesting, too. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this masterpiece.
am 2. Dezember 2024, 14:24 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Very fun puzzle!
am 2. Dezember 2024, 10:09 Uhr von Snookerfan
Great fun! Thank you
am 2. Dezember 2024, 09:53 Uhr von Jesper
Cool puzzle, flowed well!
am 1. Dezember 2024, 21:01 Uhr von ONeill
that was fun :)
am 1. Dezember 2024, 20:37 Uhr von Christounet
Strange and funny puzzle! Will check out that wichtel. Thanks :)