| Description | solved | Rating
| Chaos Construction with Slitherlink clues #1 by Phistomefel (solved on 25. April 2023, 22:59) | 84 | 96 %
| Balance = Entropy by JeremyDover (solved on 16. April 2023, 16:47) | 108 | 98 %
| Hopscotch (Remix) by Nordy (solved on 14. April 2023, 00:27) | 44 | 95 %
| Exclusion (Thermo Renban Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 6. April 2023, 01:19) | 124 | 98 %
| 3-Layer-Cake / 3-Schicht-Torte Nr. 3 by DocLogic (solved on 2. April 2023, 21:31) | 126 | 93 %
| Pet Shop Panic! by tesseralis (solved on 30. March 2023, 23:50) | 31 | 96 %
| A Square Peg in a Round Hole by Abdul the Killer (solved on 29. March 2023, 01:11) | 43 | 90 %
| Butterfly Effect (Renban Between Lines Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 27. March 2023, 23:45) | 155 | 98 %
| Whisper That Back To me by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 27. March 2023, 16:35) | 107 | 91 %
| Kill o' the Whisp by starwarigami (solved on 26. March 2023, 04:20) | 22 | 89 %
| Tuning Forks by Blashyrkh (solved on 26. March 2023, 00:00) | 73 | 97 %
| Suspicious Dwarf by Myxo (solved on 23. March 2023, 03:48) | 76 | 94 %
| King of Spider by Ridhwan (solved on 23. March 2023, 00:36) | 162 | 93 %
| Darth Vader by Will Power (solved on 22. March 2023, 23:13) | 165 | 93 %
| Renbug by Florian Wortmann (solved on 22. March 2023, 22:35) | 216 | 95 %
| Paradox by Xenonetix (solved on 21. March 2023, 01:05) | 29 | 98 %
| Schreedinger's Cat by Christounet (solved on 20. March 2023, 21:56) | 89 | 96 %
| Bismuth (Region Sum Lines, Kropki pairs, Even Squares) by Bellsita (solved on 19. March 2023, 03:13) | 97 | 94 %
| Hexamaze by Knickolas (solved on 18. March 2023, 10:36) | 32 | 86 %
| Disorderly Conduct by Allagem (solved on 18. March 2023, 10:06) | 164 | 96 %