Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Wonderful Discovery - Dedicated to Gliperal

(Eingestellt am 21. Mai 2023, 02:14 Uhr von damasosos92)

This one was constructed around a wonderful discovery I made about this particular configuration of the grid.

It is a complex sudoku, that involves a lot of different things and doesn't make life easy to the solver. I suggest you to try other puzzles of my Overlaps series before attempting this one, but feel free to start with this one of course.

A Wonderful Discovery is dedicated to Gliperal, and to his wonderful discoveries. When I was setting it, some of the logic and the geometry involved made me think about some puzzles made by Gliperal, so I didn't have any choice but to dedicate this one to him. Thank you for all the puzzle you made.

Overlaps: Every little circle is the center of a 3x3 box. Fill the grid with the numbers from 1 to 9 so that in each row, column, and aforementioned box each digit occurs exactly once.

German Whispers: Adjacent digits along green lines must differ by at least 5.

Little Killers: Digits along an indicated diagonal must sum to the given total. The value of "x" has to be determined by the solver.

A Wonderful Discovery is also available online on CTC-App with solution check.

Have fun solving and please leave a comment if you enjoy it! It helps sharing the puzzle around.

Lösungscode: Row 9, left to right.

Gelöst von Ood, Playmaker6174, laky, alaya, bodemeister, Bjd, zonka, SenatorGronk, Krokant, Gliperal, Nordy, cdwg2000, SKORP17, juventino188, Chishiri, jkuo7, Carnate, fjam, alwaysbcoding, geronimo92, madhupt, OGRussHood, Mennoo_, shadow-nexus, SSG, aleph-0, OldCaptainWZJ, tinounou, Agent, marcmees, pms_headache, hoogachakka, Uhu, Lef, michaal94, Madoka42, BlueShifted, PippoForte, tdennen, Sewerin, Bellsita
Komplette Liste


am 20. Oktober 2023, 22:37 Uhr von Madoka42
Not sure what it says about my ability to solve puzzles, but this was way easier than I expected. I had 3 or even 2 star puzzles that I had way more trouble solving.

Even with my totally stupid Math mistake (dividing a number by 6 and getting a result twice as high as normal) that made me stumble a bit, it only took me 70ish minutes to solve this.

Nevertheless I really liked this :-)

am 2. Juli 2023, 00:57 Uhr von damasosos92
I'm amazed of how well received was this puzzle! Thank you so much!

am 1. Juli 2023, 03:36 Uhr von Agent
I have no idea how it was even possible to conceive this puzzle. Brilliant stuff.

am 8. Juni 2023, 17:51 Uhr von Nordy
Extremely beautiful! My favorite type of “very hard” puzzle—the deductions seem so elusive/tricky at first, but once you spot them, they are pure elegance. Lots of really cool logic in this :)

am 31. Mai 2023, 00:25 Uhr von Gliperal
The discovery was indeed wonderful, and a very elegantly constructed set of deductions around it! I am glad to have such a cool puzzle dedicated to me.

am 22. Mai 2023, 06:26 Uhr von alaya
Just like the title--a wonderful discovery!

am 21. Mai 2023, 18:05 Uhr von bodemeister
Very nice puzzle! Used letters to represent digits, which greatly aided my solve. Beautiful interactions on the center German whisper lines. 4-star difficulty for me as I never really got stuck and the solve took under an hour. Thanks for the puzzle!

am 21. Mai 2023, 07:11 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Gorgeous and well-hidden ideas! Took a while to figure them out and throughout the solve, I was just totally invested into the puzzle, those surprising breakthroughs gave me quite a huge smile there x)

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel Kryptorätsel

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