| Description | solved | Rating
 | Unique Killers by Yawnus (solved on 7. October 2024, 12:38) | 52 |  96 %
 | Lake Tahoe Ski Resort by Will Power (solved on 7. October 2024, 11:36) | 443 |  92 %
 | If It's All The Same To You... by Will Power (solved on 7. October 2024, 11:26) | 245 |  88 %
 | Irregular Whirlpool by jojo81gaming (solved on 7. October 2024, 10:14) | 51 |  94 %
 | Arnabi by mathpesto (solved on 7. October 2024, 08:00) | 31 |  88 %
 | V Madness by Maximum_Cubed (solved on 7. October 2024, 06:53) | 18 |  75 %
 | Crossing Sums 2 by meggen033 (solved on 7. October 2024, 05:08) | 38 |  94 %
 | Sticks and Stones 2 by The Bard (solved on 6. October 2024, 17:28) | 61 |  91 %
 | Sticks and Stones by The Bard (solved on 6. October 2024, 16:44) | 109 |  93 %
 | Chaotic Six by wuc (solved on 6. October 2024, 15:37) | 189 |  94 %
 | Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine by Black_Doom (solved on 6. October 2024, 15:11) | 121 |  97 %
 | XV*3.9 by NurglesGift (solved on 6. October 2024, 14:17) | 203 |  96 %
 | Palindrome in 6*6 grid by psninn (solved on 6. October 2024, 07:25) | 159 |  88 %
 | bougainvilliers bétacyanines by aqjhs (solved on 5. October 2024, 12:56) | 18 |  81 %
 | Triple Integration by Neokart (solved on 5. October 2024, 08:25) | 32 |  84 %
 | Imprisoned by Taeqle (solved on 5. October 2024, 07:51) | 67 |  88 %
 | Sparkly Engagement Ring by Will Power (solved on 5. October 2024, 07:21) | 49 |  93 %
 | Loopy Odysee by gdc (solved on 5. October 2024, 05:44) | 322 |  97 %
 | One Knight's Renban by meggen033 (solved on 5. October 2024, 05:16) | 278 |  96 %
 | Kaleidoscope by Will Power (solved on 5. October 2024, 05:00) | 232 |  94 %