| Description | solved | Rating
 | Lilypad Series #1 - Lilypads by Mikemerin (solved on 19. October 2022, 05:56) | 7 |  N/A
 | Lilypad Series #2 - 3 Little Pads by Mikemerin (solved on 19. October 2022, 05:12) | 55 |  84 %
 | XV = X-ray Vision by sujoyku (solved on 19. October 2022, 04:25) | 53 |  91 %
 | Sudoku² by Jordan Timm (solved on 19. October 2022, 03:03) | 76 |  92 %
 | The Rings of Power by Ceedrich (solved on 19. October 2022, 02:00) | 43 |  90 %
 | Chasing Down Pairs by amberdot (solved on 18. October 2022, 21:00) | 112 |  88 %
 | Zetamath & Tallcat by Perladel (solved on 18. October 2022, 19:40) | 94 |  94 %
 | Cul de Sacs by Will Power (solved on 18. October 2022, 03:53) | 82 |  89 %
 | Regional Differences by Oddlyeven (solved on 18. October 2022, 02:49) | 65 |  93 %
 | Thermo Variant #43: Binary Thermos by djorr (solved on 17. October 2022, 21:07) | 52 |  88 %
 | Varrow by Nai Night (solved on 17. October 2022, 04:48) | 90 |  90 %
 | World Map by Perladel (solved on 17. October 2022, 03:57) | 9 |  N/A
 | Sawyer Beetle by Bremster (solved on 17. October 2022, 03:07) | 133 |  96 %
 | 20 Lines by zetamath (solved on 14. October 2022, 02:42) | 157 |  97 %