Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cul de Sacs

(Eingestellt am 13. Oktober 2022, 04:22 Uhr von Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers on the green line are at least 5 apart from their neighbors on the line. Numbers may repeat on the line, if other rules allow. Numbers on Red Maximum cells are greater than ALL ADJACENT CELLS. Numbers on Blue Minimum cells are less than ALL ADJACENT CELLS. ALL POSSIBLE MAXIMUMS AND MINIMUMS ARE GIVEN. Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Not all dots are given.

F-Puzzles In Color

F-Puzzles Colorless

Solve on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 6 and column 6.

Gelöst von cbjenkins, Jacsn, obi, h5663454, Dermerlin, Cypher, zorant, flaemmchen, belfieldtj, galium_odoratum, Myreque, nordloc, cha, Uhu, m0rkoli, Guillem98, Ocean, zuzanina, arteful, SKORP17, matiasv5, fpac, ... dlandrum17, vmirandaa, Saskia, Montikulum, Gosciola19, martin1456, MarthaB, extremelypuzzled, Carolin, Kekes, kross, timww572, larinae, PinkNickels, naggy, morgannamodeaura, DozingSongbird
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 31. August 2023, 06:50 Uhr

am 30. August 2023, 13:37 Uhr von MarthaB
Since this puzzle was published in Oct'22 and I'm just now solving it Sept'23, I don't know if the author will see this comment. @Will Power This was a great puzzle and I'm proud to have solved it. I'm still working my way through some of your earlier puzzles. Thank you.

@MarthaB I believe I see all comments posted on my puzzles, regardless of age. I am glad you also find some of my earlier work rewarding. Thanks for the encouragement. -Will Power

Zuletzt geändert am 29. März 2023, 04:12 Uhr

am 28. März 2023, 21:04 Uhr von dlandrum17
Such an awesome use of the negative constraint.

@dlandrum17 Thanks so much for your support. I try to vary the constraints I use, but some are not as popular with solvers as others. -Will Power

am 13. Oktober 2022, 06:20 Uhr von obi
Beautiful as always, Will. Nice negative constraint!

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:77 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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