| Description | solved | Rating
| Roundabout by mathguymike (solved on 18. August 2023, 04:10) | 59 | 92 %
| Tenban by Oddlyeven (solved on 9. August 2023, 08:01) | 92 | 96 %
| Baby Snakes by Scruffamudda (solved on 9. August 2023, 06:47) | 74 | 98 %
| Bet Trees by Prof.Dori (solved on 9. August 2023, 03:12) | 60 | 95 %
| Unique Ring by Will Power (solved on 9. August 2023, 03:12) | 176 | 89 %
| Jack of All Constraints by shinggaming (solved on 9. August 2023, 03:11) | 92 | 94 %
| Oil and Water 2 by Blobz (solved on 9. August 2023, 03:10) | 194 | 97 %
| Polymorphic Rooms (collab with yttrio) by Bellsita (solved on 7. August 2023, 09:40) | 111 | 99 %
| Ripples by riffclown (solved on 5. August 2023, 11:22) | 71 | 96 %
| Symmetry? by Nahileon (solved on 5. August 2023, 09:42) | 199 | 97 %
| Assume the Position by jwsinclair (solved on 3. August 2023, 05:36) | 25 | 97 %
| Madness by jwsinclair (solved on 3. August 2023, 05:34) | 24 | 97 %
| Jagermeister by jwsinclair (solved on 2. August 2023, 05:57) | 144 | 93 %
| Decimation by jwsinclair (solved on 2. August 2023, 05:26) | 272 | 97 %
| Pivot (159/German Whispers) by dumediat (solved on 2. August 2023, 04:21) | 129 | 93 %
| 1945 Oppenheimer by blackjackfitz (solved on 2. August 2023, 02:16) | 188 | 92 %
| Adobe Abode by Nordy (solved on 2. August 2023, 02:15) | 63 | 96 %
| 159 Kropki by Blobz (solved on 2. August 2023, 02:14) | 155 | 95 %
| Switch by fuxia (solved on 30. July 2023, 10:48) | 53 | 93 %
| Kraken Family by Will Power (solved on 30. July 2023, 04:32) | 221 | 93 %