Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Garner Quads

(Eingestellt am 11. September 2023, 19:27 Uhr von Blobz)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in circles must appear at least once in the surrounding 2x2 area.

Digits along a pink line form a set of non-repeating, consecutive digits.

Digits along a blue line have an equal sum N within each box it passes through. Where the line passes through the same box more than once, each individual segment sums to N separately.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle on SudokuPad

(Hi Scott, yes, this one's for you! Thanks for your kind words...)

Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by Row 6.

Zuletzt geändert am 1. April 2024, 22:34 Uhr

Gelöst von tiuhto, Ocean, gnilling, Nigrin, baracartas, oshitada, NotThatKindOfDoctor, tweak42, SKORP17, lutzreimer, hige, Iluvsodah, ludvigr04, jalebc, AlSina, Jolly Rogers, Dreamy4Vada, gotem, ... koiking, ChampionAsh5357, riggidirob, Zuka, SevenSplitRoad, OnOffL, duckling, Fenn, TommyHMBK, jaxmetallic, Ahrun, naggy, MrWhite2020, rexxk, ThirdWiseMonkey, xtmacxattack, mluciano98, BeciaWieczko
Komplette Liste


am 12. September 2023, 20:46 Uhr von PinkNickels
Very enjoyable, thanks for sharing!

am 12. September 2023, 06:42 Uhr von scottgarner
I never post comments on the internet, but this was such an incredible gesture. Thank you!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:260 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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