| Description | solved | Rating
| Supernova by Nahileon (solved on 8. November 2021, 14:29) | 64 | 99 %
| Tokyo Subway Thermo by tsc (solved on 6. November 2021, 15:41) | 11 | N/A
| Panthera's Pentominous Parity Puzzle by Panthera (solved on 6. November 2021, 03:46) | 6 | N/A
| Times Square by grkles (solved on 5. November 2021, 16:57) | 37 | 94 %
| Zero Is My Favourite Kind of Sandwich Clue by Thorsby (solved on 4. November 2021, 03:29) | 7 | N/A
| Vampires by grkles (solved on 30. October 2021, 16:47) | 43 | 98 %
| The Usual Suspects by zetamath (solved on 30. October 2021, 02:59) | 65 | 97 %
| Two Truths and a Lie by zetamath (solved on 30. October 2021, 00:19) | 137 | 98 %
| Killocator by starwarigami (solved on 28. October 2021, 02:02) | 52 | 98 %
| Pigeon Post 2 by W1DEMAN (solved on 23. October 2021, 12:35) | 2 | N/A
| Stairway to Heaven (collaboration with purpl) by TheRiddler (solved on 20. October 2021, 00:49) | 25 | 97 %
| Bicycles by SirSchmoopy (solved on 13. October 2021, 22:41) | 40 | 98 %
| Orrery by Bremster (solved on 11. October 2021, 18:48) | 25 | 89 %
| Digital Roots by Andrewsarchus (solved on 3. October 2021, 20:26) | 6 | N/A
| A BAD IDEA by PrimeWeasel (solved on 28. September 2021, 22:49) | 16 | 97 %
| Strange Loop by Andrewsarchus (solved on 28. September 2021, 16:51) | 42 | 99 %
| Lattice by Xenonetix (solved on 15. September 2021, 20:56) | 92 | 87 %
| Liar Sudoku - Everything Is Wrogn by DiMono (solved on 18. August 2021, 18:33) | 89 | 99 %