| Description | solved | Rating
| Isotherms by SSG (solved on 26. October 2021, 19:45) | 115 | 94 %
| Ventriloquism (Projected Sums Whisper) by tallcat (solved on 26. October 2021, 18:16) | 91 | 96 %
| Meiosis - (Least Loved Arrow Series) by purpl (solved on 25. October 2021, 13:34) | 117 | 97 %
| 3-Layer-Cake / 3-Schicht-Torte Nr. 2 by DocLogic (solved on 24. October 2021, 17:35) | 118 | 92 %
| XVXVX (Stitched Rainbow III) by thoughtbyte (solved on 22. October 2021, 20:54) | 203 | 93 %
| Equals X by SSG (solved on 19. October 2021, 19:07) | 101 | 95 %
| Quadrupel-Geflecht by glum_hippo (solved on 17. October 2021, 22:40) | 44 | 90 %
| In The Lab by Bremster (solved on 14. October 2021, 22:48) | 170 | 91 %
| Chirality (German Whispers + Thermo) by purpl (solved on 13. October 2021, 22:32) | 104 | 91 %
| Killin' it - 159 Style by Mr.Menace (solved on 7. October 2021, 04:16) | 69 | 95 %
| Stitched Rainbow by thoughtbyte (solved on 6. October 2021, 21:48) | 701 | 95 %
| Latitude & Longitude by grkles (solved on 5. October 2021, 22:32) | 40 | 94 %
| Thermo variant #13: Adiabatic by djorr (solved on 5. October 2021, 13:11) | 103 | 93 %
| Magical Rose by Nahileon (solved on 3. October 2021, 22:18) | 172 | 98 %
| Phoenix Knights by apiyo (solved on 30. September 2021, 23:17) | 136 | 97 %
| Metro map by Testarossa (solved on 28. September 2021, 21:22) | 80 | 96 %
| Shady, Yet Hot!? by Piatato (solved on 27. September 2021, 20:46) | 144 | 95 %
| Vier Ecken: Four Corners 3 (Whisper Arrow X) by tallcat (solved on 25. September 2021, 14:22) | 103 | 95 %
| X Marks (all) the Black Dots by twototenth (solved on 8. September 2021, 22:54) | 121 | 94 %
| Full-Course by Sought Out (solved on 7. September 2021, 16:56) | 5 | N/A