| Description | solved | Rating
| Lying right to your face (6x6 Rellik sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 1. February 2024, 11:27) | 386 | 95 %
| 5's live in Foggy Flats (FOW) by antiknight (solved on 31. January 2024, 09:36) | 328 | 94 %
| Benebelte Nachbarschaft (FOW) by Myxo (solved on 30. January 2024, 19:17) | 319 | 96 %
| Beginner's Guide to Variant Sudokus by juggler (solved on 29. January 2024, 20:57) | 735 | 93 %
| Crab Beetle by Bremster (solved on 29. January 2024, 20:25) | 152 | 96 %
| Egg's 2nd Rodeo by eggfriedcheese (solved on 29. January 2024, 17:34) | 180 | 95 %
| Equality Cages 118: Sum equally consecutive lines by gUBBLOR (solved on 29. January 2024, 13:09) | 131 | 93 %
| Intro to Psycho Look-and-Say Killers by heliopolix (solved on 29. January 2024, 11:22) | 38 | 90 %
| Hypertension by juggler (solved on 28. January 2024, 11:41) | 483 | 95 %
| Shifter Lines 109: Between the Shifter Lines by gUBBLOR (solved on 28. January 2024, 09:59) | 195 | 96 %
| Glyph by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 28. January 2024, 08:05) | 184 | 96 %
| Smooth Criminal by goodcity (solved on 27. January 2024, 20:37) | 159 | 92 %
| Egg's Stolen Flats by eggfriedcheese (solved on 27. January 2024, 19:56) | 111 | 91 %
| Shine bright like a diamond by chameleon (solved on 27. January 2024, 16:56) | 96 | 92 %
| Beetle Blues by Jolly Rogers (solved on 27. January 2024, 14:34) | 72 | 94 %
| Zippelkapp by Flinty (solved on 27. January 2024, 11:15) | 119 | 94 %
| Basic Skysums by heliopolix (solved on 27. January 2024, 08:58) | 108 | 94 %
| Egg's Olive Sandwich by eggfriedcheese (solved on 26. January 2024, 22:43) | 187 | 92 %
| Full Moon Shadows by rockratzero (solved on 26. January 2024, 20:30) | 34 | 94 %
| Dutch Flat Mates (Dutch Whispers) by Flinty (solved on 26. January 2024, 13:16) | 132 | 95 %