Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lying right to your face (6x6 Rellik sudoku)

(Eingestellt am 31. Januar 2024, 22:48 Uhr von sujoyku)

Dieses Rätsel ist aus einer leicht absurden Idee hervorgegangen: Ich habe mich gefragt, ob es interessant sein könnte, bei einem Killer-Käfig zu wissen, zu welchem Wert die enthaltenen Ziffern sich nicht summieren. Dies alleine wäre natürlich eine sehr willkürliche Information. Was aber, wenn nicht einmal ein Teil der Ziffern sich zu dem angegebenen Wert addieren darf? Dies brachte mich auf die Idee, die unten beschriebenen Rellik-Käfige einzuführen. Der Hinweis eines solchen Käfigs gibt eine „verbotene“ Summe für alle enthaltenen Ziffern an. Ich möchte mich herzlich bei CaptZebraCakes bedanken, der das Rätsel getestet und mir mit einer präziseren Formulierung der Regeln geholfen hat. Als 6x6-Sudoku ist dieses Rätsel als Kennlern-Beispiel für die neuen Regeln gedacht. Ich weiß noch nicht, ob die Regeln sich im 9x9-Setting gut umsetzen lassen, möchte aber definitiv noch herausforderndere Rätsel dieser Variante finden. Schreibt mir Eure Anregungen und Meinungen gerne in die Kommentare. Ich wünsche Euch viel Spaß beim Lösen!

- Es gelten die normalen Irregulär-6x6-Sudoku-Regeln, d.h. jede Reihe, Spalte und Region muss die Zahlen von 1 bis 6 enthalten.

- Rellik-Käfige: Alle Käfige sind Rellik-Käfige. Eine Kombination von einer oder mehreren Ziffern in einem Rellik-Käfig darf sich NICHT zu dem oben links angegebenen Wert addieren.

Beispiel: Ein Rellik-Käfig mit dem angegebenen Wert 6 kann nicht (1,2,3), (1,5), (2,4) oder eine 6 enthalten.

Hier kann das Rätsel online gelöst werden:

Solve on f-puzzles

Solve on CtC

Lösungscode: Reihe 3 von links nach rechts (6 Ziffern insgesamt)

Zuletzt geändert am 10. September 2024, 20:22 Uhr

Gelöst von Hajuhn, Zensien, skywalker, efnenu, Hailou, CaptZebraCakes, The Bard, Logos, Greg, daaahvi, elephant_in_the_room, theParad0x, Dermerlin, MicroStudy, Enkerro, Megalobrainiac, LachyDachy, Nordy, Avron, ... r0the, zygeist, dan19, Carich34, isajo4002, naggy, Kallor, lt0302, Jensa, DiMono, sinamon, Sudopeku, Jowser, Swesie, Clementi, CampbellAmoeba, gollum999, Camaras, ArmagedDan, PatMac, ikaikaw
Komplette Liste


am 10. September 2024, 20:22 Uhr von sujoyku
changed CTC link to include solution code (big thanks to garycblack for providing that link!), no changes to the content of the puzzle

Zuletzt geändert am 10. September 2024, 20:21 Uhr

am 10. September 2024, 17:36 Uhr von garycblack
SudokuPad solution link:

Thanks for your thought provoking puzzles!

Thank you for your comment, garycblack! Nice to hear that you liked how the puzzle made you think. Also thanks for providing the link with solution check!
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juli 2024, 00:29 Uhr

am 22. Juli 2024, 23:35 Uhr von harpix
Fantastic new killer-variant! Took me a few minutes to wrap my head around the solving methods involved, after that it was pretty straight forward. Thanks a lot!

You are much welcome, harpix, thank you for your comment! I am glad that you enjoyed this variant.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 30. März 2024, 15:42 Uhr

am 29. März 2024, 00:46 Uhr von SamuPiano
After I set a puzzle with a similar constraint, gdc informed me of the existence of this puzzle and this constraint! This was great fun, thank you sujoyku and gdc!

Thank you for the comment, SamuPiano! I am glad that you enjoyed the puzzle and thought in the same direction in your own setting. Just to make sure: Are you referring to the puzzle "Pacify"? I have seen, but not yet solved that one.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Yes, that's the one! The constraint I used allows repeats, but otherwise it is the same concept.

Zuletzt geändert am 29. März 2024, 00:07 Uhr

am 28. März 2024, 23:18 Uhr von Lenivaya_Joppa
Interesting concept of puzzle, thank you for this creative sort of puzzle, dear sujoyku! :)

Thank you for your comment, Lenivaya_Joppa! I am glad that you liked the concept of the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 5. März 2024, 00:05 Uhr

am 4. März 2024, 23:56 Uhr von suessersenf
fun puzzle, if with an unfortunate visual effect... hopefully not on purpose

Thank you for your comment, suessersenf! I am glad that you had a fun solve. Concerning the layout issue: As I have replied to other comments below, I try to be more careful about the visual appearance with my upcoming puzzles.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Februar 2024, 19:25 Uhr

am 27. Februar 2024, 07:31 Uhr von PhoenixAki
took way too long for me due to missing a very obvious column deduction I somehow didn't spot and had to have a solution video point out for me...100% smooth sailing otherwise, really enjoyed it!

Thank you for your comment, PhoenixAki! I am glad that you enjoyed the solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Februar 2024, 22:19 Uhr

am 17. Februar 2024, 22:02 Uhr von dumediat
Wow, I absolutely love this idea! Excellent execution for an introductory puzzle as well. Thank you very much!

Thank you for the kind words, dumediat! I am glad that you enjoyed this introductory puzzle. If you like to try some harder puzzles of this variant, I have also uploaded an 7x7 and an 8x8 puzzle with the Rellik rule set.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Februar 2024, 22:43 Uhr

am 15. Februar 2024, 19:56 Uhr von deadpanditto
Very clever.

Thank you for your comment, deadpanditto! I am glad that you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

am 12. Februar 2024, 14:33 Uhr von sujoyku
added "6x6 Rellik sudoku" to the title due to a recommendation of CHalb, no changes to the contents of the puzzle

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Februar 2024, 14:35 Uhr

am 12. Februar 2024, 14:28 Uhr von CHalb
Vorschlag: Ergänze "Rellik Sudoku" im Titel. Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten, dieses Rätsel zu finden, trotz des "Lying" im Titel.

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, CHalb! Ich habe den Titel nun abgeändert. Da es das erste Rätsel mit der Rellik-Regel war, hatte ich es ursprünglich nicht in den Titel gesetzt, weil sich darunter niemand etwas hätte vorstellen können. Nochmals vielen Dank für deine Aufmerksamkeit!
Viele Grüße, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Februar 2024, 16:11 Uhr

am 4. Februar 2024, 00:14 Uhr von goodcity
I had to try the first Rellik puzzle after testing a WIP using this variant ;). Wonderful idea, I am impressed by the number of variant of variant that are still created. Thank you for setting and sharing :).

Thank you for your kind comment, goodcity! I am glad that you liked the variant.
Can you tell me what WIP stands for?
Kind regards, sujoyku
WIP stands for Work In Progress, so a puzzle in testing with this variant but not released yet !

Ah, thank you for the clarification. I know what work in progress means, but did not recognize the abbreviation. Is the mentioned puzzle by Flinty?
It might be ;)

I only asked to know if you like some assistance. If so, I would gladly test some of his (your? ^^) ideas. I wish you good luck setting!

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Februar 2024, 20:02 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2024, 17:14 Uhr von AdiBoneHead
I very much enjoyed this. It was great iterating back and forth as the cages forced their number-bond counterpart into the other cage/part of the region.

Thank you for your comment, AdiBoneHead! I am glad that you enjoyed the logic of the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Februar 2024, 10:41 Uhr

am 2. Februar 2024, 05:59 Uhr von Ryx
Took a minute to wrap (or unwrap) my head around the new rule, but once I did, it was a treat. Thanks for setting!

You are very much welcome, Ryx, thank you for your comment! I am glad that you enjoyed the solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Februar 2024, 10:40 Uhr

am 2. Februar 2024, 02:27 Uhr von sacklunch
Fun constraint! I might now start thinking of standard cages as wrogn relliks.

Thank you for your comment, sacklunch! I am glad that you had a fun solve. Thinking of regular killer cages as twisted Relliks is a very cute way to put it. :)
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Februar 2024, 21:04 Uhr

am 1. Februar 2024, 19:50 Uhr von Flinty
If I hadn't read The Bard's comment, I never would've noticed that Rellik was Killer backwards - haha. I might need to borrow this constraint if you don't mind. Very nice puzzle, I love nip and tuck, back and forth logic like this.

Thank you for your kind comment, Flinty! Feel free to use this constraint for your own puzzle. I would love to see what you do with it. I am still kind of experimenting with the rule set myself.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Februar 2024, 21:07 Uhr

am 1. Februar 2024, 19:19 Uhr von gdc
Very nice puzzle. I like the constraint, the name and the execution.

Thank you for your comment, gdc! As I like your puzzles very much, your encouragement means a lot to me.
Kind regards, sujoyku

am 1. Februar 2024, 18:48 Uhr von sujoyku
Oh, I think I might have noticed what you are referring to ...
I will have to be more cautious where to place cages/regions in my next puzzles.

am 1. Februar 2024, 18:44 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for your appreciative comments @Snapper, @lordovol and @Puzzle Weasel! I am glad that you enjoyed the puzzle. Can anyone let me in on the "seeing things"-joke? Have I unintentionally made some reference with the "Lying right to your face" title?
Kind regards, sujoyku

am 1. Februar 2024, 17:13 Uhr von Puzzle Weasel
Great idea, excellent introductory puzzle. I look forward to more!

am 1. Februar 2024, 17:01 Uhr von lordovol
Nice puzzle but I'm seeing things too :(

am 1. Februar 2024, 11:27 Uhr von Snapper
Interesting Idea.
Thanks for the puzzle!

am 1. Februar 2024, 08:52 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you all for your kind and encouraging comments! I will continue to work on my understanding of which Rellik clues allow for interesting interactions and try to build a harder puzzle. Of course, everybody is invited to jump on and build their own Rellik puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

am 1. Februar 2024, 07:49 Uhr von fitzie
i would very much like to see this in a 9x9.

am 1. Februar 2024, 07:26 Uhr von decho
am I seeing things?

am 1. Februar 2024, 06:33 Uhr von Nordy
Wow, that was super fun! Really cool idea

am 1. Februar 2024, 04:10 Uhr von theParad0x
Love this idea. I can see something really hard being set with a 9x9 grid. Thanks for sharing!!

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Februar 2024, 00:56 Uhr

am 1. Februar 2024, 00:27 Uhr von The Bard
Cool idea to have "anti-killer" (Rellik) cages. I would love to see more of this idea.

Thank you for your comment, The Bard! I am glad that you liked the idea of anti-killer cages. The name was chosen in analogy to Nabner lines. I think the relation Renban/Nabner is similar to that one between Killer and Rellik cages.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Januar 2024, 23:34 Uhr

am 31. Januar 2024, 23:06 Uhr von Zensien
That's was really fun set up! Thanks for the puzzle, it had some interesting logic. Looking forward to see what else you can do with this ruleset

You are much welcome, Zensien, thank you for the comment! I am glad that you liked the logics in the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:386 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal


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