| Description | solved | Rating
| Zeroth Law 2: Leaning Tower by twototenth (solved on 13. July 2021, 19:54) | 20 | 88 %
| A Lot of Cages (killer sudoku) by Quacks (solved on 13. July 2021, 04:05) | 33 | 84 %
| Forwards & Backwards by zetamath (solved on 13. July 2021, 03:30) | 44 | 92 %
| This Is Knots! by Lisztes (solved on 12. July 2021, 21:40) | 119 | 92 %
| Tomb of Whispers by Nityant5 (solved on 12. July 2021, 21:25) | 66 | 95 %
| Tartan by grkles (solved on 10. July 2021, 20:37) | 17 | 97 %
| Arrows and Differences by Lisztes (solved on 10. July 2021, 02:44) | 25 | 83 %
| Japanese Medians Sudoku by RockyRoer (solved on 9. July 2021, 21:40) | 9 | N/A
| # (Arrow Sudoku) by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 9. July 2021, 21:36) | 23 | 96 %
| 9 Arrows and 2 Givens (Arrow Sudoku) by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 9. July 2021, 21:18) | 10 | N/A
| Broken Renbarrow by ___ (solved on 9. July 2021, 06:43) | 183 | 98 %
| Get Your Shots (thermo) by Bremster (solved on 8. July 2021, 21:28) | 202 | 81 %
| Double Double by fuxia (solved on 8. July 2021, 21:20) | 146 | 84 %
| Dominarrow by Mad-Tyas (solved on 8. July 2021, 21:12) | 16 | 88 %
| The Secret Sandwich Bar by JoWovrin (solved on 8. July 2021, 06:47) | 7 | N/A
| Genome by Tyrgannus (solved on 8. July 2021, 06:20) | 37 | 97 %
| Stacked - Arrow Sudoku by Mr.Menace (solved on 7. July 2021, 01:26) | 47 | 98 %
| Flywheel by Innocuous (solved on 6. July 2021, 22:33) | 63 | 94 %
| Spectators by Bremster (solved on 6. July 2021, 05:26) | 241 | 79 %
| Whiplash (Arrow Sudoku) by tallcat (solved on 6. July 2021, 04:55) | 80 | 94 %