| Description | solved | Rating
 | Get Even by andreasv (solved on 17. January 2021, 00:52) | 157 |  83 %
 | DSM Qualitraining 2021: Average Arrows by glum_hippo (solved on 17. January 2021, 00:37) | 71 |  93 %
 | Energy in the Core by Aaronomys (solved on 16. January 2021, 22:39) | 160 |  83 %
 | Foldover XV by GremlinSA (solved on 16. January 2021, 22:01) | 48 |  67 %
 | Foldover Kropki by GremlinSA (solved on 16. January 2021, 20:49) | 53 |  70 %
 | Event Horizon by steelwool (solved on 16. January 2021, 19:45) | 85 |  71 %
 | Magic 5X5 by GremlinSA (solved on 16. January 2021, 18:20) | 93 |  87 %
 | New Sudoku variant? by Klomp (solved on 16. January 2021, 17:34) | 65 |  73 %
 | Crowded Killer by Lisztes (solved on 3. January 2021, 22:01) | 90 |  81 %
 | 真笑Puzzles010--Chaos Construction-- “庄子” 001 by cdwg2000 (solved on 3. January 2021, 20:48) | 65 |  93 %
 | Growing Queen Sudoku by EspressoMaster (solved on 3. January 2021, 16:15) | 152 |  79 %
 | Killers All Around by fritzdis (solved on 2. January 2021, 23:41) | 95 |  84 %
 | Car! by Elisabeth (solved on 2. January 2021, 23:00) | 291 |  73 %
 | Spider and Fly by LucyAudrin (solved on 2. January 2021, 22:49) | 111 |  91 %
 | Diagonal buddies by PetLov (solved on 28. December 2020, 19:53) | 27 |  88 %
 | 真笑Puzzles008--Chaos Construction--“墨子” 001 by cdwg2000 (solved on 28. December 2020, 19:31) | 155 |  92 %
 | Odd XV by LucyAudrin (solved on 28. December 2020, 18:19) | 86 |  85 %
 | Miracle of the number 8 by Joseph nehme (solved on 28. December 2020, 00:25) | 66 |  80 %
 | Xikaku für Anfänger by hopppe (solved on 27. December 2020, 23:24) | 1221 |  60 %
 | 红葉puzzles(PP31): Numberlink001 by cdwg2000 (solved on 27. December 2020, 23:21) | 185 |  73 %