| Description | solved | Rating
| Sudoku Variants Series (016) - Extra Regions Sudoku by Richard (solved on 5. April 2021, 12:31) | 214 | 91 %
| Evens and Arrows by Lisztes (solved on 5. April 2021, 09:38) | 54 | 85 %
| Rorschach Test (Kropki pairs) by BMEP (solved on 5. April 2021, 00:45) | 228 | 83 %
| Nines Multiplying by andreasv (solved on 4. April 2021, 10:00) | 178 | 78 %
| 红葉puzzles(PP87): Heyawake006 by cdwg2000 (solved on 4. April 2021, 09:48) | 72 | 78 %
| Puzzleschlacht: Gerades Battleshipssudoku by Pyrrhon (solved on 3. April 2021, 23:02) | 109 | 84 %
| Jigsaw Kropki 4 by Richard (solved on 3. April 2021, 22:43) | 100 | 92 %
| 4x6x6 Kombi Experiment Nr. 8 by DocLogic (solved on 3. April 2021, 18:14) | 78 | 93 %
| Flats by RobertBe (solved on 3. April 2021, 12:55) | 206 | 73 %
| Ein ganz kleines, geknicktes Sudoku by MiR (solved on 2. April 2021, 21:09) | 80 | 80 %
| Schlaue Luchse by Rollo (solved on 2. April 2021, 20:59) | 64 | 72 %
| Ein typisch schräges Herantasten an einen Lösungscode by MiR (solved on 2. April 2021, 20:52) | 60 | 73 %
| Folge a la Q´sjn by hopppe (solved on 2. April 2021, 11:11) | 23 | 61 %
| Tapa-L. by hopppe (solved on 2. April 2021, 11:01) | 93 | 72 %
| Wichtel 2020 (2): Die Himmelsbahn by wichtel (solved on 2. April 2021, 10:20) | 28 | 99 %
| Introduction to Compass Fillomino by MagnusJosefsson (solved on 2. April 2021, 09:39) | 82 | 93 %
| Surimas Yajiheya oder Japanische Wochenendwanderungen by hopppe (solved on 1. April 2021, 18:52) | 70 | 90 %
| Triagonale Kropkihochhausschaufenster by hopppe (solved on 1. April 2021, 18:21) | 135 | 81 %
| Doppelblock knapp daneben by Dandelo (solved on 1. April 2021, 18:02) | 5 | N/A
| Yinyang Reconstruction by Dandelo (solved on 1. April 2021, 13:23) | 29 | 88 %