| Description | solved | Rating
| Mini Ludoku by Flinty (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:31) | 302 | 86 %
| Tiny Knight by DigitalFlaw (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:25) | 397 | 78 %
| Beginner Series, Killer Sudoku by SimplePurpleFrog (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:21) | 358 | 85 %
| Beginner Series, Thermo Sudoku by SimplePurpleFrog (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:18) | 414 | 76 %
| Unique Dominoes (4x4) by hexadoodle (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:14) | 1024 | 73 %
| Pluto (Dwarf Planet) by Blobz (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:11) | 857 | 79 %
| Rising Circles by Prof.Dori (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:08) | 752 | 85 %
| 6x6 snack by kierownik (solved on 18. January 2024, 23:02) | 312 | 85 %
| Zippers and Circles by Kitty Trouble (solved on 18. January 2024, 22:56) | 402 | 86 %
| Egg's Ferris Wheel by eggfriedcheese (solved on 18. January 2024, 21:27) | 26 | 87 %
| 9x9 Zig Zag. Snack by kierownik (solved on 18. January 2024, 20:26) | 109 | 82 %
| Cageus Impetus by Flinty (solved on 18. January 2024, 19:37) | 116 | 93 %
| Refractions by Nell Gwyn (solved on 18. January 2024, 17:59) | 147 | 98 %
| All the Dots are Brown (and the Fog is Gray) by gdc (solved on 18. January 2024, 17:22) | 365 | 92 %
| Whispering averages in the fog by Nylimb (solved on 18. January 2024, 01:23) | 60 | 74 %
| Spider by EPH (solved on 17. January 2024, 23:02) | 249 | 91 %
| Country Arrows, Point Me Home by 99%Sneaky (solved on 17. January 2024, 22:14) | 136 | 88 %
| Equality Cages 121: Ranked cells by gUBBLOR (solved on 17. January 2024, 20:22) | 145 | 92 %
| Modus Tollens by juggler (solved on 17. January 2024, 19:58) | 96 | 82 %
| Close Neighbors by Will Power (solved on 17. January 2024, 17:52) | 187 | 94 %