Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 28. Februar 2024, 05:00 Uhr von Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. ARROWS- Numbers on arrows sum to the number in the arrow's circle. Numbers may repeat on arrows, if other rules allow. THERMOMETERS- Numbers on thermometers increase from the bulb end. KROPKI PAIRS- Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. XV PAIRS- Numbers with an X between them sum to 10. Not all possible dots and X are given.


Solve on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 9 and column 9.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2024, 05:44 Uhr

Gelöst von Dermerlin, agueybana, Kallor, root_vegetable, Enkerro, lidawer, MarkSud, cathematician, TeamSchmidt, Hajuhn, K1ng2, Archon, Twan2797, NineK, pepe74287, kkli, Marcos, keenbowl, fca.felix.sudoku, ... skywalker, vexillophilia, jjtheplum, Mathemagier, Omnicole, cmigas, Jodelbanane, koiking, cbrown92, PippoForte, MrWhite2020, asii, pollyparrot, slaffoon, Toren, september, KingIsulgard, jgarber
Komplette Liste


am 30. März 2024, 11:45 Uhr von chain.reader
Midway I got stuck for quite a while cause I wasn't thinking about the kropki.
That single little kropki does quite a bit of work.

am 2. März 2024, 16:19 Uhr von Schma
Very fun puzzle with some interesting twists during the solve :)

am 1. März 2024, 11:43 Uhr von Lion Crow
That was fun. Thanks.

am 29. Februar 2024, 04:51 Uhr von ZigZagWonderer
I really enjoyed this puzzle, thank you!

am 28. Februar 2024, 19:43 Uhr von AshBrown
Thanks. Took me a while because i messed up but enjoyed it once i got there

am 28. Februar 2024, 14:35 Uhr von PinkNickels
Love seeing a fresh WP puzzle on the home page. Makes my day

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2024, 14:32 Uhr

am 28. Februar 2024, 12:23 Uhr von MarthaB
Fun puzzle - as expected from Will Power. Great interaction between the constraints.

@MarthaB Thank you for the continued support. Peace to you. -Will Power

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2024, 06:32 Uhr

am 28. Februar 2024, 06:30 Uhr von MarkSud
I think Will Power is my favorite setter. Just the right level for me.

@MarkSud Thank you for the kind comment. It means a lot. -Will Power

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2024, 05:54 Uhr

am 28. Februar 2024, 05:44 Uhr von Will Power
Corrected solution code. My apologies to anyone who could not enter the code before now. -Will Power

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2024, 05:45 Uhr

am 28. Februar 2024, 05:38 Uhr von asver
Is the code right?

@asver Please try solution code again. -Will Power

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:229 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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