Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Silicon Valley

(Eingestellt am 25. Februar 2024, 20:12 Uhr von CaptZebraCakes)

Silicon is #14 on the periodic table. My last puzzle referenced mountains, so why not include another geographic feature in this puzzle? Hence the name. Many thanks to sujoyku for test solving. Hope you enjoy!

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Killer cages: Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the value in the top left corner of the cage.

Entropy: Each 2x2 box in the grid must contain a low digit (1, 2, 3), a middle digit (4, 5, 6), and a high digit (7, 8, 9).

Puzzle link:

CTC app: http://tinyurl.com/y666hvkv
f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2yfurbm6

Lösungscode: Column 7 (i.e. the nine digits in column 7 from top to bottom)

Zuletzt geändert am 1. März 2024, 22:23 Uhr

Gelöst von sujoyku, SKORP17, Bconner5, OhHeyGuysItsMax, seeppp, lmdemasi, SXH, Bjd, by81996672, apendleton, srk_48, Racteal, AvonD, ScienceNerd2240, brimmy, cocomo, Grothenlace, fca.felix.sudoku, asver, ... lianarox, rmm466ss, Jlrice2, jmbrow29, nmmc123, chestertherat, WarriorKitten, Brodie2000, karen_birgitta, yidog, palpot, jalebc, ManuH, Aswen, lapazhu, nikka240, lovely, PippoForte, gxorgx
Komplette Liste


am 1. März 2024, 22:23 Uhr von CaptZebraCakes
Removed "(entropy)" from puzzle name.

am 26. Februar 2024, 19:16 Uhr von sasheo
Very nice flow! Not too easy, nor too hard! Perfect brain teaser! :P

am 26. Februar 2024, 03:50 Uhr von ScienceNerd2240
Before even starting the puzzle, I just want to say I love the reference to Silicon's atomic number with the Killer Cages. I always enjoy any kind of reference like this, especially the chemistry ones since that's what I got my degree in!

am 25. Februar 2024, 20:40 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for sharing this nice entropy puzzle, CaptZebraCakes! Testing it has been a real treat. I think the first phase was the hardest part of the puzzle for me. After the break-in, the entropy condition gives a nice flow and the deductions are approachable without being too obvious. Overall I have given 3/5 difficulty.

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:52 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal


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