| Description | solved | Rating
| Sacred Crypt by Allagem (solved on 7. May 2023, 16:00) | 58 | 95 %
| Austrian Heat by Palfly Kampling (solved on 7. May 2023, 13:52) | 106 | 96 %
| Blackjack (Killer Renban) by Dag H (solved on 7. May 2023, 12:54) | 109 | 96 %
| Lawnmower by Scojo (solved on 7. May 2023, 10:25) | 397 | 93 %
| SC30 - Thermo 4 by kuraban (solved on 6. May 2023, 20:34) | 95 | 90 %
| USB by Jobo (solved on 4. May 2023, 00:24) | 360 | 91 %
| 6-dimensional cube by lemononmars (solved on 4. May 2023, 00:08) | 109 | 89 %
| Tulip by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 3. May 2023, 14:14) | 233 | 91 %
| Calvary by Fool on Hill (solved on 3. May 2023, 12:39) | 265 | 91 %
| 159 Killer by Blobz (solved on 2. May 2023, 17:54) | 124 | 89 %
| Contritum Quadratum (Broken Square) by pecha_berrie (solved on 30. April 2023, 14:43) | 116 | 90 %
| Who Turned on the AC? by Tingo (solved on 28. April 2023, 06:43) | 218 | 89 %
| Drawfee by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 27. April 2023, 16:27) | 193 | 97 %
| ... but they don't check out by twototenth (solved on 27. April 2023, 08:42) | 135 | 95 %
| Lines in the Sand by Will Power (solved on 26. April 2023, 13:27) | 180 | 92 %
| The Flying Dutchman by meggen033 (solved on 26. April 2023, 12:02) | 116 | 92 %
| Flight of the Bumblebee by Will Power (solved on 26. April 2023, 11:36) | 236 | 88 %
| Bobsled by SeveNateNine (solved on 26. April 2023, 11:19) | 173 | 92 %
| Whisper Killer No7 by TinkerTroy (solved on 24. April 2023, 14:11) | 247 | 91 %
| Candy Ropes by Tingo (solved on 24. April 2023, 06:55) | 474 | 85 %