Es gelten die Standard-Sudoku-Regeln.
Geben Sie jeder Zelle im Raster eine Indexnummer von 1 bis 81 in der Lesereihenfolge von links nach rechts und von oben nach unten. Die blau markierten Zellen können beliebige Zahlen von 1 bis 9 enthalten. Jede nicht markierte Zelle kann nur eine Ziffer von 1 bis 9 enthalten, die im mathematischen Würfel ihrer Indexnummer erscheint. Nullen werden nicht verwendet.
Beispiel: 37^3 = 50653, daher können die Ziffern 3, 5 und 6 in der unmarkierten Zelle R5C1 stehen. 16^3 = 4096, aber R2C7 ist eine markierte Zelle, daher kann dort jede beliebige Ziffer stehen.
Die Werte auf einem schwarzen Punkt stehen im Verhältnis 1:2. Es sind nicht alle schwarzen Punkte vorhanden.
Referenz: Table of Cubes on
Bitte verzeihen Sie etwaige seltsame Formulierungen ... Englischsprachiger mit Online-Übersetzung.
Lösungscode: Zeile 5 Ziffern, Spalte 5 Ziffern
am 12. Juli 2024, 21:23 Uhr von ParaNox
I can see how you were excited about your discovery, which is indeed interesting.
But solving the grid this way felt more like a chore and then doing a pencilmark sudoku.
Please don't take this the wrong way, as at least I've learned something new about a 9x9 sudoku grid today, filling the cells with possible digits however did not feel like actually solving something or discovering logical steps myself, so basically half the fun of finding the break-in was lost.
Maybe setting this as a pencilmark sudoku or something similar would've been a more enjoyable alternative for me.
am 1. Juli 2024, 20:40 Uhr von psams
Archon, you lost me at Autohotkey and buffer-stuff, but I am thinking about another puzzle that will need to use excel to generate a set of digits. For this one, I imagine Simon trying to calculate all those cubes in his head, then giving up and spending a few minutes entering them all from a table, and then solving the puzzle in almost no time. Worst CtC ever.
am 1. Juli 2024, 20:12 Uhr von Archon
Have to admit, I used Excel to generate all the center-mark options and Autohotkey to buffer-stuff them. Still, got to flex my spreadsheet-making skills.:)
am 1. Juli 2024, 15:24 Uhr von psams
Also, I wanted to mention, my favorite cubes values from the table were 62^3 = 238328 and 68^3 = 314432 (which places 1234 in the cell). And no, neither is my ATM code.
am 1. Juli 2024, 14:45 Uhr von psams
Though the result is easy, I found the task of setting this puzzle to be challenging without using any solving software. But I was amazed at how far I was able to place digits in the grid with no conflicts at the start. Had I discovered an entire Sudoku in the wild? The first conflicts were in cells that began with 0's in them from the cubes table, so I treated them as "wild," and after that, filled over 1/3 of the puzzle before running into an unsolvable conflict in a non-zero filled cell at R4C7. After iterating on changes to fix the puzzle, of the final blue cells, only 5 did not initially come from cube values with 0's, and I had only 1 given, in cell R6C9. I did not want to reveal that given at the start, so others could experience the solve order as I had, so I used the Kropki dot to set the value instead (and thus keep it hidden until much else was solved.) I hope others will experience the sense of surprise that I did, and thus I did not prefill the grid with the numbers from the cubes table. For a much harder challenge, try setting your own variant from scratch, starting with no blue cells or Kropki, treating 0's as any digit, and overwriting a minimal number of the non-zero cells. Can you find a puzzle with less than 5 such cells and 1 given? Bonus stars for not using solving software.
am 1. Juli 2024, 12:09 Uhr von 1121
Easy puzzle with 11:40 solving time. I think longest part was entering candidates into cells.
am 1. Juli 2024, 03:03 Uhr von psams
Changed difficulty rating. It is not hard to solve. There is a clear deduction path from start to finish with just a couple of steps that may take a little time to see.