Image generated with Hotpot AI Art Generator
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Place 8 different pentominoes (no repeats by reflection or rotation) in the grid such that each is completely enclosed within a box, each touches its neighbours diagonally along a grey line, and each contains digits that sum to 18. No pentominoes touch orthogonally.
The grey lines (links) each show the sum of the two (non-repeating) digits each side of the link. All possible links are shown.
For example, r3c8 is part of the pentomino in box 3, touching r4c9 diagonally, which is part of the pentomino in box 6. The sum of these two digits is 5. Neither r3c9 nor r4c8 can be part of a pentomino.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Solution code: Row 1 followed by Row 2
on 7. April 2024, 10:40 by SudokuHero
What a thoroughly enjoyable series.
on 3. February 2024, 09:21 by Crusader175
Very enjoyable!
on 3. February 2024, 06:15 by scottgarner
I'm normally irrationally intimidated by pentomino puzzles, but I really enjoyed this one!
on 30. January 2024, 21:56 by cam
Cool puzzle! Just the short break I needed at work :)
on 30. January 2024, 07:06 by Silverscree
Can pentominoes touch diagonally without a link if the digits on the diagonal connection are the same? That wouldn't be a possible connection, so I'm not sure if that's the intended read.
Edit: solved it without assuming that's fine and it didn't feel awkward to me :)
“All possible links are shown”; digits on links are non-repeating
on 29. January 2024, 16:56 by vollbesonderbar