Normal sudoku rules apply.
Pink lines contain a set of consecutive digits.
Digits in cages do not repeat and must sum to the small clue, if given.
Each cage is either full of "oil" (even digits), full of "water" (odd digits), or a mix of both. In all cases, each "row" within a cage is of just one type (oil or water). Oil floats on water, so even digits will always be in rows above odd digits in mixed cages.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Solution code: Row 8
on 6. November 2024, 21:28 by firespire
Another must do puzzle in the series.
I see the picture uses green for oil (even digits) like me, I don't know why I always have to fight an urge to use orange for odd and water knowing full well it will mess up my solve if I were to ever try it.
on 5. November 2024, 17:07 by Franjo
Very nice! Enjoyed pouring oil and water colors into the cells. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this lovely puzzle.
on 4. November 2024, 23:50 by kdkirby
Loving this series! Another great entry, thank you!
on 4. November 2024, 19:47 by sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, Blobz! Slowly but surely I feel more confident when it comes to the Oil-and-water constraint. :)
on 4. November 2024, 17:54 by Fra314
You did oil and water beautifully! Great puzzle!