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Normal sudoku rules apply.
The indicated 60-cell white region contains one each of the twelve standard pentominoes (no repeats by rotation or reflection).
The green line loops through all twelve pentominoes. It passes through exactly 2 cells of a pentomino before visiting the next. Adjacent digits along the green line differ by at least 5. Also, each pentomino contains one of the 2-cell thermometers, whose digits must increase starting from the bulb end.
The arrangement of pentominoes must be deduced.
Once placed, each pentomino behaves like a 5-cell killer cage: digits do not repeat and must sum to the value listed at the thermometer bulb.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Solution code: Row 3 followed by Row 7
on 18. January 2024, 21:40 by Roezaea
very nice puzzle. beginners will probably find it very hard to know what questions to ask to progress through each phase as there are a variety of types of deductions to be familiar with, but advanced solvers would likely find it quite easy as the logic flows so smoothly and naturally. thanks for setting!
on 19. December 2023, 08:31 by cristophermoore
That was great! The whisper loop and thermos were just restrictive enough to give both the pentomino arrangement and then the numbers. Very sweet!
on 19. December 2023, 07:30 by KyleBaran
Always look forward to your pentomino puzzles. Didnt even look at the difficulty, just went in and did it. Thanks!
on 19. December 2023, 01:43 by thrutch
A real pleasure, lovely flow to this one. A few places where the next step was quite well hidden, but none of these were hard deductions once spotted.
on 19. December 2023, 00:03 by NRB
I found this very hard, but incredibly engaging. All the way through I knew I could find the right path and when I did I felt such satisfaction and love for the logic. Loved it, thank you.
on 18. December 2023, 18:35 by Tilberg
Surprisingly easy! Nice flow throughout.
on 18. December 2023, 17:04 by StefanSch