Normal sudoku rules apply.
The caged region contains one each of the twelve standard pentominoes (no repeats by reflection or rotation).
The given digits (inside the cage) indicate the number of pentominoes that contribute to the corresponding box.
White dots lie on the boundary between two pentominoes, and indicate digits that differ by 1 (not all such dots are shown). No two pentominoes share more than one such dot. Each pentomino has at least two dots on its boundary.
The indicated pentominoes in the top left and bottom right boxes contain odd digits only. These two pentominoes are also exact clones of their counterparts in the main cage.
Pentominoes may contain repeated digits if allowed by other rules.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Solution code: Row 4 followed by Column 7
on 23. July 2022, 11:58 by peacherwu2
Fluid path and well designed!
on 20. April 2022, 10:55 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Very enjoyable, nice interplay between all the rules - thanks :-)