Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Exploding Pentomino Sudoku III

(Published on 1. September 2020, 09:48 by psams)


Standard Sudoku rules apply.

In addition, the grid is populated with a number of "Exploding Pentominoes." These each represent a sequential set of five different digits, one per box in the cells corresponding to the shape of the pentomino.

Penpa Version Playable Online

Illustration of Exploding Pentominoes

The five cells of the set defined by each exploding pentomino occupy the same position in each 3x3 box.

Puzzle Series

Solution code: row 9, column 9

Last changed on on 1. September 2020, 10:05

Solved by Greg, bosjo, NikolaZ, zorant, Zzzyxas, keelyc27
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on 2. September 2020, 07:59 by bosjo
Another great puzzle! This felt more difficult than the earlier examples, so if you are new to this idea, you might prefer to start there.

Solved:6 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant New Pentominoes

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