Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Polyominoes and Palindromes

(Eingestellt am 15. Juli 2024, 06:20 Uhr von psams)

Solve in SudokuPad


Standard Sudoku rules apply.

Fill each cage with a unique set of Pentomino (size 5) and Tetromino (size 4) Shapes.

Shapes of the same size may not be orthogonally adjacent within or between cages. The cells outside of cages are not considered a shape.

There may be no more than two of the same Pentomino shapes anywhere in the puzzle.

Digits do not repeat within a Pentomino or Tetromino except in exactly one place.

The sum of the digits in Pentomino shapes ranges from 13 to 34. The sum of the digits in Tetromino shapes ranges from 14 to 25.

Digits on lines form Palindromes.

Cells with a V between them sum to 5. Cells with a white dot between them are consecutive.

The digits in a cage sum to the number in the upper corner of the cage.

Solving the Puzzle

All steps can be made by deduction. No guessing or brute force is required. The individual steps are not overly hard, but there are quite a few steps, and quite a few rules to keep in mind. If you get stuck, I suggest carefully reading the rules again, to see if any of them suggest a way forward.

SudokuPad Usage Suggestions

The area outside the 9x9 Sudoku grid is scratch space for drawing polyominoes, if needed. Within the grid, representing polyominoes with center to center lines rather than colors will free colors up for other purposes. Letters or colors may be used to represent numbers whose values have not yet been determined. Good luck!

Puzzle Series : The Cryptex Mission ★★★☆☆

Lösungscode: Row 5 digits, Column 4 digits

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Juli 2024, 19:56 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, peterkp, sockerbecca
Komplette Liste


am 25. Juli 2024, 19:56 Uhr von psams
revised text

am 24. Juli 2024, 08:07 Uhr von psams
removed old text

am 24. Juli 2024, 08:00 Uhr von psams
revised difficulty, added series links

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Juli 2024, 17:32 Uhr

am 18. Juli 2024, 17:27 Uhr von psams
@peterkp Thank you. It is always nice to receive such an appreciative comment. I found in testing it has some nice crunchy deductions. The polyomino puzzle was fun to work out. I almost hated to add the last change (to resolve some final digits.) If anyone wants a slightly crunchier middle puzzle, pretend the upper left palindrome line is shorter by one cell at each end - until you get to the very end. Cheers!

am 17. Juli 2024, 23:14 Uhr von peterkp
Fantastic puzzle. Definitely a solid 4 star for me, and at one point I nearly gave up. But those good old 'aha!' moments got me through. Thanks for taking the time to create this.

am 15. Juli 2024, 10:43 Uhr von psams
Adjusted difficulty rating.

Gelöst:3 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Rätselvariante Tetrominos Pentominos Polyominos

Lösung abgeben

