Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Repeat Offenders #2

SolverSolution date
Mark Sweepon 28. September 2021, 18:34
zoranton 2. March 2021, 15:18
NikolaZon 1. February 2021, 19:15
Donna Mitton 11. January 2021, 04:15
polaron 10. January 2021, 23:47
Wecocon 10. January 2021, 19:39
Jesperon 10. January 2021, 15:30
PrimeWeaselon 10. January 2021, 13:32
cdwg2000on 10. January 2021, 11:02
SirWoezelon 10. January 2021, 10:37

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