| Description | solved | Rating
 | Flight of the Bumblebee by Will Power (solved on 10. April 2023, 20:11) | 241 |  88 %
 | A Night at the Theatre by NIGHTCRAULER (solved on 10. April 2023, 19:48) | 322 |  92 %
 | Directions in the Dark by rockratzero (solved on 10. April 2023, 19:35) | 363 |  87 %
 | 9-steps Tutorial: Anti-knight by Azireo (solved on 10. April 2023, 19:34) | 198 |  86 %
 | Stalagmites & Stalactites by Jobo (solved on 7. April 2023, 13:36) | 349 |  87 %
 | I'm open for title suggestions by Goofy (solved on 6. April 2023, 14:17) | 337 |  89 %
 | Horseshoe Crab by Will Power (solved on 6. April 2023, 11:17) | 411 |  91 %
 | Box² Killer by Jodawo (solved on 6. April 2023, 09:54) | 103 |  91 %
 | String Theory by Will Power (solved on 5. April 2023, 22:38) | 371 |  86 %
 | Trial Run (Kropki + Whispers) by spatzle (solved on 5. April 2023, 16:15) | 221 |  86 %
 | Thermo Sudoku Snack (Irregular 8x8 sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 5. April 2023, 11:35) | 130 |  94 %
 | 5 by dennischen (solved on 4. April 2023, 14:33) | 219 |  92 %
 | Oil and Water by Blobz (solved on 4. April 2023, 10:04) | 318 |  94 %
 | Wang Wang! (SudoCruise Bonus 1) by SSG (solved on 3. April 2023, 10:41) | 344 |  92 %
 | Somewhere Between +3 and x3 by Will Power (solved on 3. April 2023, 09:31) | 180 |  89 %
 | 1-5-9 by TimeTravelingMoose (solved on 3. April 2023, 08:40) | 117 |  84 %
 | 9-steps Tutorial: Between Lines by Azireo (solved on 3. April 2023, 08:00) | 131 |  86 %
 | 5x5 Snack #2 by troptot (solved on 3. April 2023, 07:59) | 151 |  86 %
 | Wagon Wheel (SudoCruise Day 1) by SSG (solved on 31. March 2023, 23:48) | 187 |  84 %
 | German Thermo by Kippar (solved on 31. March 2023, 23:11) | 124 |  85 %