| Description | solved | Rating
 | The River by wooferzfg (solved on 1. April 2022, 02:46) | 42 |  96 %
 | Deconstruction: X-Sums by Jesper (solved on 31. March 2022, 07:15) | 109 |  100 %
 | Dancing Robot / Tanzender Roboter by PDN777 (solved on 30. March 2022, 15:55) | 192 |  92 %
 | Sauron's Demise by XeonRisq (solved on 30. March 2022, 15:20) | 18 |  92 %
 | Build Your Own Aquarium by wooferzfg (solved on 30. March 2022, 14:27) | 30 |  100 %
 | Killer Shikoku by the_cogito (solved on 30. March 2022, 09:37) | 57 |  98 %
 | Stretch marks by Qodec (solved on 30. March 2022, 04:57) | 98 |  98 %
 | DisArray by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 30. March 2022, 00:09) | 169 |  92 %
 | XV Fillomino by au voleur! (solved on 28. March 2022, 11:24) | 63 |  98 %
 | Fishnet by TotallyNormalCat (solved on 27. March 2022, 12:10) | 87 |  97 %
 | Through the Looking Glass by cam (solved on 27. March 2022, 12:09) | 30 |  95 %
 | Isolation by Nahileon (solved on 27. March 2022, 12:08) | 56 |  93 %
 | FourCast (Hidden Arrow Sudoku) by Nordy (solved on 27. March 2022, 12:07) | 43 |  99 %
 | Fourtuitous (Equal Sum Lines Sudoku) by purpl (solved on 27. March 2022, 12:02) | 70 |  91 %
 | Look-and-Say Killer 2 by djorr (solved on 27. March 2022, 12:00) | 77 |  95 %
 | Twenty-four and what? by andreasv (solved on 27. March 2022, 11:59) | 24 |  92 %
 | Squares and Circles by Burning Curtains (solved on 27. March 2022, 08:30) | 43 |  98 %
 | Chaos Construction: Equality by SSG (solved on 27. March 2022, 08:05) | 16 |  97 %
 | Snake Pit by DiMono (solved on 27. March 2022, 03:50) | 57 |  96 %
 | German Whisper Cages by kolot (solved on 26. March 2022, 11:47) | 61 |  98 %