Sauron's Demise
(Eingestellt am 19. Januar 2022, 04:00 Uhr von XeonRisq)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number shown in the circled cells.
- Numbers along the indicated diagonal must sum to the given total.
- F-puzzles link
- link to solve online
- CtC link
- link to solve online
Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by Column 5
Gelöst von Ood, SKORP17, Kafkapharnaum, ___, Jeet Sampat, SudokuExplorer, dlindberg3, starelev5, SSG, Siebuhh, thefallenrat, dogfarts, michaal94, Uhu, geronimo92, juddimal, isajo4002, Elliott810
Zuletzt geändert am 20. Januar 2022, 01:34 Uhram 19. Januar 2022, 22:01 Uhr von Jeet Sampat
Very cool idea for a break-in. I did not expect to use some of the given clues for that ;) The rest of the solve was pretty smooth, so thank you for having mercy!
Thanks a lot for the solve and the great feedback. Really glad the puzzle was enjoyable.