| Description | solved | Rating
 | Cubic Ring-Ring (9x9x9) by Ambrose (solved on 24. January 2024, 14:20) | 46 |  96 %
 | Meanest Mini by chameleon (solved on 16. January 2024, 13:06) | 66 |  98 %
 | Adventskalender 2023, Türchen 2 - Korallenschlange by Zzzyxas (solved on 5. January 2024, 12:17) | 52 |  98 %
 | Adventskalender 2023, Türchen 1 - Vier Korallen by Zzzyxas (solved on 3. January 2024, 11:43) | 60 |  100 %
 | Seven Seven By Seven by KusaneHexaku (solved on 25. October 2023, 12:37) | 41 |  95 %
 | Akari RGB (Hex) #1 by The Book Wyrm (solved on 25. October 2023, 12:20) | 55 |  93 %
 | Akari RGB (Hex) #2 by The Book Wyrm (solved on 25. October 2023, 12:14) | 20 |  92 %
 | Didjuluk by Terttu5 (solved on 10. September 2023, 12:50) | 31 |  89 %
 | XY-Differences Fillomino by glum_hippo (solved on 3. September 2023, 03:02) | 57 |  97 %
 | Build Your Own Sloop #2 by Piatato (solved on 11. August 2023, 07:03) | 84 |  93 %
 | Inception by matt383 (solved on 21. June 2023, 09:05) | 555 |  99 %
 | Four Colour Theorem by Jay Dyer (solved on 14. June 2023, 03:55) | 105 |  97 %
 | Scrabble slitherlink by karzym (solved on 13. June 2023, 14:31) | 34 |  88 %
 | Hashi Star Battle by Grausbert (solved on 7. June 2023, 07:46) | 14 |  95 %
 | Loop Area Problem by Torvelo (solved on 5. June 2023, 11:06) | 87 |  80 %
 | Wrogn Fogn by jwsinclair (solved on 5. June 2023, 11:03) | 424 |  95 %
 | Lazy Eight (Twin Loop, 15x15) by Ambrose (solved on 27. January 2023, 07:21) | 24 |  93 %
 | Hybrid Star Battle Series (002) - Yin-Yang by BenceJoful (solved on 24. January 2023, 06:28) | 66 |  98 %
 | Birds by Oripy (solved on 26. October 2022, 07:54) | 22 |  82 %
 | Die Kryptos - S05E05: Radar by tuace (solved on 16. October 2022, 13:36) | 18 |  96 %