| Description | solved | Rating
 | Throwback by jwsinclair (solved on 11. July 2024, 20:26) | 196 |  95 %
 | Just A Twig by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 14. March 2024, 02:06) | 110 |  91 %
 | What is that? by ark29 (solved on 26. February 2024, 04:27) | 139 |  87 %
 | Wow by ark29 (solved on 26. February 2024, 01:38) | 170 |  87 %
 | Castle And Drawbridge by Tingo (solved on 17. January 2024, 03:57) | 246 |  88 %
 | Symmetry by Ratfinkz (solved on 30. December 2023, 04:55) | 354 |  95 %
 | Easy Doubles, Thermo Arrow by SimplePurpleFrog (solved on 23. December 2023, 02:32) | 875 |  78 %
 | Spot The Killer (Fog) by Flinty (solved on 21. November 2023, 03:19) | 1010 |  92 %
 | Wishbone (Killer/Arrow) by dumediat (solved on 15. November 2023, 03:05) | 482 |  95 %
 | Penny Black by Bremster (solved on 29. October 2023, 02:59) | 182 |  90 %
 | Italian Night Club by mathpesto (solved on 28. October 2023, 23:19) | 208 |  95 %
 | Rooted by mathpesto (solved on 28. October 2023, 01:42) | 75 |  88 %
 | The Mighty Phist by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 16. October 2023, 03:14) | 149 |  92 %
 | Helium Neon G.A.S. Lasers by Will Power (solved on 8. October 2023, 21:59) | 326 |  91 %
 | Buena Suerte by jwsinclair (solved on 4. October 2023, 00:53) | 290 |  96 %
 | Winter Dance Puzzle by JohnGisMe (solved on 1. October 2023, 03:01) | 210 |  89 %
 | Pipes by MQ9_Reaper2 (solved on 17. September 2023, 04:41) | 203 |  94 %
 | Rising Circles by Prof.Dori (solved on 16. September 2023, 02:24) | 863 |  85 %
 | Searching For Secrets (Nala’s Adventures #10) by SandraNala (solved on 10. September 2023, 01:45) | 743 |  95 %
 | All about 30 by Schma (solved on 5. September 2023, 03:16) | 202 |  89 %