| Description | solved | Rating
 | Hot and Quadered by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 9. November 2024, 00:25) | 191 |  93 %
 | Reuben by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 9. November 2024, 00:23) | 285 |  94 %
 | Crosshairs by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 8. November 2024, 05:40) | 147 |  96 %
 | Box Twist by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 31. January 2024, 05:52) | 625 |  90 %
 | Modular Lines 2 by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 28. January 2024, 22:42) | 38 |  84 %
 | Modulate the Thermostat by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 28. January 2024, 04:30) | 31 |  91 %
 | Thermodulators by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 28. January 2024, 04:23) | 70 |  89 %
 | Thermo Dot by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 28. January 2024, 04:17) | 91 |  91 %
 | Glyph by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 27. January 2024, 20:15) | 199 |  96 %
 | Chess Piece Promotion by Oripy (solved on 29. December 2023, 04:49) | 75 |  93 %
 | Odd Cogs by Oripy (solved on 13. September 2023, 21:07) | 11 |  N/A
 | Torment of Tantalus by PjotrV (solved on 5. September 2023, 21:47) | 116 |  92 %
 | Absolute GAS by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 15. December 2022, 07:28) | 1154 |  76 %
 | The Palatine Games by Bremster (solved on 26. March 2022, 22:45) | 648 |  88 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (000) - Classic Sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. March 2022, 21:23) | 407 |  80 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (001) - Odd Sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. March 2022, 20:41) | 472 |  80 %
 | Renban Killer 2 by PDN777 (solved on 9. February 2022, 07:22) | 897 |  90 %