| Description | solved | Rating
 | Between Odd and Even (6x6) by SandraNala (solved on 5. July 2023, 19:30) | 435 |  86 %
 | Whispairs by Bondye (solved on 5. July 2023, 19:14) | 205 |  90 %
 | Target Practice by oxjphs (solved on 5. July 2023, 18:49) | 181 |  91 %
 | Woolen Dough by dodomos (solved on 21. June 2023, 15:30) | 268 |  93 %
 | SHAZAM! by Will Power (solved on 7. June 2023, 14:56) | 190 |  88 %
 | Killer Flicks by Ridhwan (solved on 31. May 2023, 00:54) | 130 |  92 %
 | Irish Dots V by Tingo (solved on 30. May 2023, 23:45) | 201 |  91 %
 | VorteX by Scojo (solved on 26. May 2023, 23:02) | 221 |  88 %
 | Half Dozen by Blobz (solved on 24. May 2023, 23:16) | 328 |  88 %
 | XV-constraint Sudoku Snack (Irregular 7x7 sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 24. May 2023, 23:06) | 353 |  90 %
 | Stalagmites & Stalactites by Jobo (solved on 24. May 2023, 22:58) | 349 |  87 %
 | Streets and Alleys by Will Power (solved on 24. May 2023, 22:12) | 511 |  88 %
 | Unique Dominoes (4x4) by hexadoodle (solved on 24. May 2023, 21:42) | 1087 |  73 %
 | I Love You and Sudoku by Kirra (solved on 24. May 2023, 21:40) | 656 |  76 %
 | Zig Zag: Classic by Tingo (solved on 24. May 2023, 21:35) | 408 |  81 %
 | Tidy Up Those Lines! by Will Power (solved on 23. May 2023, 16:16) | 196 |  94 %
 | Jump Shot and Defender by Will Power (solved on 23. May 2023, 00:26) | 204 |  89 %
 | 11 X 8 by Tingo (solved on 22. May 2023, 22:27) | 238 |  93 %
 | Thirteen by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 13. May 2023, 18:55) | 217 |  91 %
 | Baby Delivery (Baby Lieferung) by Will Power (solved on 11. May 2023, 15:18) | 246 |  90 %