| Description | solved | Rating
 | A Little Mouthful (Short Sandwiches Sudoku) by Qodec (solved on 22. January 2025, 20:56) | 32 |  94 %
 | Memoria by Tyrgannus (solved on 22. January 2025, 18:54) | 24 |  96 %
 | Dedicated to wisty by Myxo (solved on 22. January 2025, 04:56) | 27 |  95 %
 | [TSL] [S1T1] Murder Mys2ry [Indexed Little Killers] by 3good5you (solved on 21. January 2025, 00:28) | 15 |  92 %
 | Owl (Numbered rooms+Parity lines Sudoku) by Qodec (solved on 20. January 2025, 18:21) | 38 |  89 %
 | Hybrid Series #1: Pentominous Mid-Loop by Tyrgannus (solved on 20. January 2025, 16:27) | 30 |  98 %
 | Castle Wall Delta #1 (10x10) by Jesper (solved on 19. January 2025, 16:03) | 71 |  98 %
 | Chaos Construction: Thermo Knots by Myxo (solved on 18. January 2025, 15:17) | 122 |  96 %
 | X-Fold Antisymmetry by juggler (solved on 16. January 2025, 01:05) | 56 |  91 %
 | Muddlebug by Tyrgannus (solved on 14. January 2025, 10:45) | 37 |  95 %
 | The Light Maze (Chaos Construction, RGB) by Chilly (solved on 12. January 2025, 18:07) | 27 |  99 %
 | 135 Cubedoku by Chilly (solved on 12. January 2025, 10:38) | 3 |  N/A
 | Lost Arrow (Cubedoku) by Chilly (solved on 12. January 2025, 10:12) | 3 |  N/A
 | General MOD by Dr Logic (solved on 10. January 2025, 19:32) | 10 |  N/A
 | Arrowdynamics by Welcome Paragon (solved on 9. January 2025, 13:33) | 16 |  85 %
 | Handgemenge by fuxia (solved on 8. January 2025, 21:37) | 32 |  97 %
 | Traveler Between by fuxia (solved on 3. January 2025, 21:31) | 22 |  98 %
 | Crooked by Justalilguy (solved on 3. January 2025, 06:41) | 14 |  75 %
 | Much Ado About Nothing [Lots, Not-A-Lots] by 3good5you (solved on 31. December 2024, 13:17) | 15 |  84 %
 | Blemish [Even Squares, Kropki, Renban] by 3good5you (solved on 31. December 2024, 05:29) | 14 |  90 %