Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 29. Dezember 2024, 15:35 Uhr von Welcome Paragon)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

On an arrow, its two digits form a number N in the arrow's direction (in other words, the base of the arrow is the ten's digit and the tip of the arrow is the one's digit), where N is equal to the sum of the digits in all further cells in a line along the direction of the arrow.

Along such a line, if two summed cells lie on the same arrow, sum the value of that arrow's N instead of its individual digits.

Play on SudokuPad

Lösungscode: The digits of column 2 then column 9, read from top to bottom.

Gelöst von Piff, SKORP17, yttrio, Felis_Timon, OutOfMyMindBRB, mihel111, helisolver, damo_89, steperlich, sedici, dennischen, Migu, xenicat, Andrewsarchus, SparklePuzzle, purpl
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am 12. Januar 2025, 18:52 Uhr von purpl
I liked how the circle of arrows worked, but the extra sentence of rules was rather confusing. When I finally did understand it, seeing that it was only used for a single clue felt like it could have easily been avoided.

am 30. Dezember 2024, 15:20 Uhr von Welcome Paragon

Say you have an arrow A in R1C1->R1C2 and an arrow B in R1C5->R1C6. Arrow A sums the entire row from R1C3 to R1C9. This includes both cells that arrow B lies on, so if arrow B consists of the digits 1 and 3 for example, count these two cells as +13 instead of +1 +3 when calculating the sum for arrow A.

am 30. Dezember 2024, 13:42 Uhr von damo_89
Really interesting, enjoyed that

am 29. Dezember 2024, 20:30 Uhr von mihel111
+1 yttrio, it's a fun one to solve.
For the people annoyed by copying 18 digits in the solution checker, don't forget to enable the "copy cells button" in advanced settings of Sven's software. At the right of the restart button, a new button will appear that allows to copy/paste the numbers in the selected cells. The placement of cells is the reading order. So, in the case of 2 columns to copy, you have to do it in 2 times. Thanks again Sven.

am 29. Dezember 2024, 18:13 Uhr von yttrio
I started the puzzle because of the amazing pun title, and finished it because it was really fun to solve :)

Bewertung:85 %
Gelöst:16 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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