| Description | solved | Rating
| Origin of Symmetry (Young Tableaux) by PrimeWeasel (solved on 3. November 2022, 02:04) | 42 | 93 %
| Unknown Origin 7 by Will Power (solved on 2. November 2022, 21:37) | 124 | 93 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (391) - Two arrows in one by Richard (solved on 2. November 2022, 17:15) | 199 | 96 %
| Greek Key by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 31. October 2022, 21:40) | 174 | 95 %
| Point Blank by 10feet (solved on 31. October 2022, 04:02) | 41 | 91 %
| Twleve by Bother__ (solved on 31. October 2022, 01:39) | 76 | 93 %
| Escalator by greyden (solved on 30. October 2022, 17:01) | 123 | 93 %
| The First Digit is a Five by Bother__ (solved on 29. October 2022, 18:20) | 123 | 88 %
| Faulty Wiring / Defekte Verkabelung by PDN777 (solved on 28. October 2022, 23:11) | 185 | 90 %
| Bilbo Bobbins Finds A Ring In Middle Earth by fjam (solved on 28. October 2022, 17:31) | 200 | 94 %
| Thermo Dots / Thermopunkte by PDN777 (solved on 25. October 2022, 19:22) | 150 | 92 %
| London Underground by Blobz (solved on 25. October 2022, 16:11) | 141 | 92 %
| Broken Glass by Bootenks (solved on 24. October 2022, 05:24) | 58 | 94 %
| Mount Doom by Ceedrich (solved on 24. October 2022, 04:14) | 186 | 91 %
| Dotted Region Sum Lines 2 / Gestrichelte Region Summenlinien 2 by PDN777 (solved on 23. October 2022, 05:36) | 81 | 91 %
| Drink The Syrup by Perladel (solved on 22. October 2022, 06:43) | 102 | 90 %
| Kropkarrow by Celery (solved on 22. October 2022, 00:15) | 73 | 91 %
| Panda House [Arrow Kropki Sudoku] by wisty (solved on 21. October 2022, 21:18) | 100 | 93 %
| Parity Lockdown by glenfletcher (solved on 21. October 2022, 01:12) | 128 | 83 %
| Loong by Dathan (solved on 20. October 2022, 04:23) | 179 | 89 %