Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Silent Killers

(Eingestellt am 26. Januar 2023, 20:37 Uhr von luda3)

This is the puzzle that I created from inspiration of the modified little killers variant from Dumediat Click Here This is my first upload to LMD, so any comments or advice to improve, let me know! Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • German Whispers: Digits in cells directly connected by a green german whispers line must differ by at least 5.
  • Kropki Pairs: Digits with a white dot must have be in a consecutive sequence. Digits in cells separated by a black dot must have the ratio of 1:2
  • Modified Little Killers: Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal while omitting the Nth digit from the sum, where N is the digit in the first cell along the indicated diagonal. Note,N can not be larger than the length of the diagonal. For example, if the digit in R6C1 was the first digit along a modified little killer with the number 16 along the diagonal, a valid sequence along that diagonal would be 6,1,4,2,3,9.

F-puzzles: Click Here

Lösungscode: Row 3 followed by Column 6 in an 18 digit string

Gelöst von MicroStudy, SKORP17, terrible_casserole, Jagga, SSG, Piatato, Puzzlers100, dumediat, dodomos, Dermerlin, mathpesto, brandon_bot, MalkoMann2, farodin64, juhish, Myreque, samuella, Sonki, asver, ... LehanLehan, gdb31, FreeSweeties, Illuminated, cdowell, kidManuel, GeorgeTheToad2, kommandoking, Crul, Uhu, michaal94, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, ryanprobably, josemadre, Montikulum, Kekes, Martini&Toto
Komplette Liste


am 28. Januar 2023, 16:58 Uhr von tylerjewell
Fun solve!

am 28. Januar 2023, 02:01 Uhr von luda3
Thanks @ Orpheus for sticking with it. Glad you enjoyed it! :)

am 27. Januar 2023, 23:09 Uhr von Orpheus
I thought it was a little trickier than a 2. It took me quite a while to understand everything the 31-clue had to offer. All in all a pretty good ride though. Thanks so much for sharing!

am 27. Januar 2023, 02:25 Uhr von dumediat
Great puzzle! Awesome to see someone else using the modified little killer constraint! :)

am 27. Januar 2023, 01:10 Uhr von luda3
Thank you @Piatato :)

am 27. Januar 2023, 00:06 Uhr von Piatato
Lovely debut! Thanks for sharing :-)

Bewertung:84 %
Gelöst:59 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal


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